
MyFaces / News: Recent posts

MyFaces release 1.0.9(m9) released at ASF

Our first official milestone version (1.0.9) as new top level project at the Apache Software Foundation was just released. Please goto for more information.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2005-04-24

Apache MyFaces

MyFaces has moved to the Apache Software Foundation and can now be found at

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2005-03-18

MyFaces version 1.0.7 beta released

This is a maintenance release and at the same this is our LAST release on before we move our project infrastructure to the Apache site.
Some highlights:
- New custom components (Panel stack, Stylesheet)
- Autoscroll feature (Prevent browsers from jumping to top of page on every click)
- Japanese translation
- Improved Tiles support

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-10-11

MyFaces version 1.0.6 beta released

This is an overdue maintenance release which also offers some often and long requested issues:
* Library split - there are now 3 myfaces libs:
- myfaces-jsf-api.jar = the javax.faces.* classes for compile time
- myfaces-components.jar = the MyFaces extended and custom components for use with any JSR-127 implementation
- myfaces.jar = the MyFaces implementation (including extended and custom components)
* Better Tiles support with our JspTilesViewHandler
* Switch from LGPL to Apache 2.0 license... read more

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-08-09

MyFaces version 1.0.5 beta released

This is a maintenance release.

Improvements in Release 1.0.5 beta:
- New faces configurator (complete implementation, including decorator pattern for delegation!)
- rssticker (Newsfeed component)
- dataScroller (at long last, the ultimative sroller component for UIData!)
- jscookMenu (Renders a Javascript menu based on the excellent JSCookMenu by Heng Yuan - have a look at it!)
- new validators (Regular Expressions, Equal)
- of course many bugs got fixed... read more

Posted by Thomas Spiegl 2004-06-24

MyFaces version 1.0.4 beta released

This is a maintenance release that fixes many bugs.

Changes in Release 1.0.4 beta:

* new renderedIfEmpty attribute for extended <x:dataTable> component (see tlddocs)
* new validators (creditcard, email)
* bug #961241 Checkbox in dataTable problem
* bug #960581 <x:panelTabbedPane selectedIndex
* bug #959926 <h:selectOneRadio and styleClass
* bug #953783 h:commandLink renders value as text
* bug #955135 graphicImage tag
* bug #952453 Class FacesConfigFactoryBase search for wrong context-param
* bug #951988 myfaces doesn't read faces-config.xml in foo.jars
* bug #951896 command links broken if ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT=false
* bug #948629 UpdateActionListener looking for String -> Object converter
* bug #948626 hiddenInput does not decode and store value
* bug #948110 h:selectManyCheckbox styleClass handling
* bug #943587 <h:commandLink> does not recognize target attribute.
* many bugfixes ;-)

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-05-27

MyFaces version 1.0.3 alpha released

Major bugs fixed.

Changes in Release 1.0.3 alpha:
* commandLink javascript error bug fixed
* bug #943210 ("outputLink produces very long URLs that don't work") fixed
* bug #945118 ("Checkbox session state") fixed

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-05-03

MyFaces version 1.0.2 alpha released

Many bugs fixed, new tree component.

Changes in Release 1.0.2 alpha:
* refactored custom components to net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom package
* custom message and messages component with new attributes summaryFormat and detailFormat
* replaced com.oreilly.servlet lib cos.jar by commons-codec for Base64 encoding
* fileupload component now uses commons-fileupload instead of com.oreilly.servlet lib cos.jar
* new tree component
* Weblogic startup issue now fixed when MyFacesServlet is used instead of FacesServlet
* validator attribute now supported
* many many bugfixes

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-04-27

MyFaces 1.0.1 alpha released

Many bugs fixed, new components, new examples.

Changes in Release 1.0.1 alpha
* new DataList component (dynamical List based on UIData - see examples webapp)
* new (speadsheet like) editable table example (see master/detail example in examples webapp)
* x-checked various Renderers for Specs (tlddoc) compliance
* serious bug in UIData fixed
* server state saving bug fixed
* f:convertNumber threw NPE - fixed
* HiddenRenderer fixed
* x:panelTabbedPane now supports dynamic jsp includes and f:subview
* many small bugfixes

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-03-26

Release 1.0.0 alpha published

This is the first MyFaces release that comes with our own JSF-API (the javax.faces classes).
So, the jsf-api.jar from the reference implementation is no longer needed!

In addition to that, the samples from the Sun reference implementation run with MyFaces now!

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-03-19

MyFaces 0.9.1 released

We are proud to announce the release of MyFaces 0.9.1 - the first MyFaces release that conforms to the final "JavaServer Faces v1.0".

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-03-05

New MyFaces Release 0.9.0

We are proud to announce the release of MyFaces 0.9.0 - the first MyFaces release that conforms to the current "JavaServer Faces v1.0 Specification Proposed Final Draft" from December 19, 2003.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-02-27

New MyFaces project homepage is online

The new homepage is powered by TikiWiki and will be the major centre of our community.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-02-13

Release 0.4.4 published

This is the last EA4 release before we start to make MyFaces conform to the new 1.0 beta release of the JSP API and specification.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-12-22

Release 0.4.3 published

Changes in Release 0.4.3
* fixed a bug in the navigation menu: open/active state was lost sometimes.
* removed Attribute levelClasses from NavigationTag - see NavigationRenderer.indent(...)
* Replaced usages of ObjectInputStream by the new derived class
MyFacesObjectInputStream to finally fix the JBoss Class.forName issue
--> MyFaces now works in JBoss 3.2.1 (thanks to Robert Gothan!)
* TextRenderer: empty <span> element (span without attributes) is not rendered anymore
* New configuration option "defaultLanguage" in MyFacesConfig
* New Renderer "TabbedPane" that renderes a swing-like tabbed Pane (see examples).
* Rudimentary support for <jsp:include>. See known issues for details.
* fixed bug in ListRenderer: there was a bug when calculating actualRow

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-09-18

New mailing list &quot;Myfaces-user&quot;

The new mailing list "Myfaces-user" is the
place where communication among MyFaces users and between users and
developers should occur in the future. This is also the official
"support" list for all users that have problems running MyFaces or
asking "Howto" questions.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-08-26

Release 0.4.2 published

Changes in Release 0.4.2
* Simple EL Support: For Tags derived from MyFacesTag you can use "${expr}" Syntax. The given expr is evaluated via ValueBinding.
* Dynamic validators (i.e. validators added during runtime) are now supported by MinimizingStateSaver.
* getValidator() in ApplicationImpl returned always the same validator instance: fixed.
* Support for converter attributes "dateStyle", "formatPattern", etc.
* added Attribute activeItemClass to NavigationTag
* refurbished navigation menu in examples application
* replaced all usages of Class.forName(s) by Class.forName(s, true,
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) to (hopefully) resolve the JBoss issues

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-07-18

Release 0.4.1 published

This is a bug fix release (particularly) resolving a Tomcat 4.1.x issue.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-07-07

Release 0.4.0 published!

With this release we finally catch up with the current JSF Specification 1.0 PRD2 (= Early access release 4).

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-07-03

Release 0.3.2 just published

Many bugs fixed and new features:

Changes in Release 0.3.2

* some serious bugs fixed (Tomcat 4.1.x issues)
* UIFileUpload with FileUploadRenderer and FileUploadTag
* new "File upload" example
* added com.oreilly.servlet package cos.jar:
- Base64 encoding instead of MimeUtility from mail.jar
- MultiPartFilter for the new UIFileUpload
* removed mail.jar: was only needed for Base64-Encoding
* web-application "tagunit" added (only CVS), can be used for testing myfaces-taglibs
* "enabledOnUserRole" and "visibleOnUserRole" attributes for miscellaneous input
and command components
* "setBundle" tag
* "errors" tag renamed to "output_errors"
* "image" tag renamed to "graphic_image"
* "input_errors" tag was removed (see "output_errors")
* Facet support (see KnownIssues.txt !)
* Enhanced JspInfo caching. Automatic check for modified JSPs.

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-05-06

Maintenance release 0.3.1 published

Changes in Release 0.3.1

* completely restructured directories
* revised documentation
* revised build files
* 4 different state-saving modes: see features.html for details

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-04-08

New major release 0.3.0 just published

* This is a major release, that has lots of changes to make MyFaces conform to the new EA3 specification.
* UISortHeader with SortColumnRenderer (see features.html)
* LayoutRenderer (see features.html)

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-03-20

MyFaces Open Tasks

You can find the list of all open tasks on the "Tasks" page.
There is still some work that must be done, so let me thank you in advance for all your contributions.
To all not-yet project members: please mail us the task(s) that you have lost your heart to...

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2003-02-05