
my123tkShop beta / News: Recent posts

my123tkShop openSource eCommerce Project restarted

After more than four years of inactivity, the my123tkShop project at has been restarted.
Currently the project is in the phase of architecture planning for the 123tkShop 3.0 release, which is planned to get beta state in early 2009.
A wide range of new requirements for eCommerce software makes it necessary to rewrite the complete code.
The upcoming version of 123tkShop benefits from extended possibilities in PHP 5.2 and MySQL 5.1
123tkShop is now a free software project, developed by the german company CappuccinoSoft Business Systems.
The project Wiki can now be found at where the actual planning and features will be documented.
A first alpha release of 123tkShop 3.0 will appear around end of october 2008. The project lead Thorsten <emulator> Körner is also looking for volunteers. If you are interested just contact him.

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2008-07-23

123tkShop 0.9 is released

The 123tkShop-Project proudly announces the 0.9 release.
This release contains bugfixes and new features.
The shop-design is now template based, processed by the Smarty Template-Engine. This makes designing, and adapting a design much more easy, than in earlier releases. The addon-structure has been extended also, hence developing of plugins is much more simplified, compared to release 0.8.
The very userfriendly 123tk-Administration-Console has been has been improved once more and is bundled with the download package as 123tk-Administration-Console 2.0 pre1. The design 123tkShop Administration is accommodated to the appearence of the Desktop-Environment most users are familiar with.
Another novelty is the new startpage-editor. This editor is a tool to change the startpage-appearence very easy. In the professional version, this editor works as a WYSIWYG-editor, to simplify work.
See more details on the website

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2004-06-20

Version 0.8.1

The new version 0.8.1 of 123tkShop has been released today.
There are some Changes to the 0.8-Release. Bugs are fixed and TKSESSION has some new functions. Beginning with this release, a new addon-structure has been added to 123tkShop. So it will be easier to programm new functions or install downloadable addons. It comes with great new features, like
1.) a complete new Administration-Console
2.) a complete new Permission-Grant-System
3.) nested Categories
4.) User-Accounts
5.) Different Shops for different Countries
6.) a complete new Session-Management
7.) a new Image-Manipulaton for Product and Vendor-Graphics
8.) special Price-Actions
9.) you can setup Extra-Services
10.) Images in different sizes for each product. Automatically resized.
11.) Free defineable Product-Properties.
12.) Check-Out with or without being logged in.
12.) Registered Customers can define special SippingAddresses.
13.) Cross-Selling-Products
14.) Related Products.
15.) Different Admins with different Permissions.
16.) You will now be asked, what should happen with all the products of a category, if you want to delete the category.... read more

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2003-11-21

Version 0.8 released

The new version 0.8 of 123tkShop has been released today. It comes with great new features, like
1.) a complete new Administration-Console
2.) a complete new Permission-Grant-System
3.) nested Categories
4.) User-Accounts
5.) Different Shops for different Countries
6.) a complete new Session-Management
7.) a new Image-Manipulaton for Product and Vendor-Graphics 8.) special Price-Actions
9.) you can setup Extra-Services
10.) Images in different sizes for each product. Automatically resized.
11.) Free defineable Product-Properties.
12.) Check-Out with or without being logged in.
12.) Registered Customers can define special SippingAddresses.
13.) Cross-Selling-Products
14.) Related Products.
15.) Different Admins with different Permissions.
16.) You will now be asked, what should happen with all the products of a category, if you want to delete the category.... read more

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2003-09-12

123tkShop-0.3 released

123tkShop-0.3 has been released today. There are many changes compared to 0.2.1, such as:

    R E L E A S E - N O T E S


This is 123tkShop-0.3

Features added since 0.2.1

* Added a right Navigationbar
* Added a two-Column-View
* Enhenced the Theme-Enginge
* Added a Backup-Manager
* Added a Setup-Manager
* Added Auto-Plugin-Detection
* Added a Install and Setup-Script for Firsttime-Setup
* Added a Logfile to log Configfiles
* Added an Information-script which shows running processes.
* Bugfixes
Please referr to the Project-Homepage at for additional Information.

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2002-06-18

2-Column-View added for 123tkShop-0.3-Beta-Release

As a new feature a 2-Column-View is added to 123tkShop-0.3-BETA which will be released in June. I have setup two Demo-Shops with 2-Column-View enabled. Notice that this feature is not added to the current download-packages with version-numbering 0.2.1 and lower. Just test it by following the link to the DEMO-Shop at

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2002-05-27

123tkShop-0.2.1-ALPHA is released

The 0.2.1-ALPHA -Version is been released to the public. Due to problems with the png-support of some older Netscape-Versions, the Themeengine is revisited. Also the config-files are a little bit more intuitiv.

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2002-05-24

123tkShop-0.2-Alpha is released today

Today May, 23rd 2002 the 0.2-Alpha of 123tkShop is released. There are much bugs fixed, an extended Shop-Adminstrator, a new Theme-Engine, 2 themes some other Feaures more added.
The Shop-Administrator should now work properly in most cases.
There is also a new DEMO-Shop at where you can test the software without any risk.

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2002-05-23

123tkShop-Demo-Shop is running.

The new 123tkShop-Demo-Shop is up and running at All the functions and features of the Shoppingcart-Module can be tested there. Its a demo, so nobody has a risc, shopping there. None of the ordered products will be delivered.

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2002-02-19

ALPHA-Release of 123tkShop-0.1.9-ALPHA

The my123tkShop-Project has now released the first Preview of 123tkShop-0.2.0 It is released under the name 123tkShop-0.1.9-ALPHA. There are some features still missing in this preview, and some functions are still working not properly, but this will be fixed in the 0.2.0-Release.

Posted by Thorsten Körner 2002-02-06