
JavaConsole / News: Recent posts

0.6.2a Release

- right clicked on the text field to paste.
- You can now extend the software.
- added the ability to reload all the modules, so you don't have to restart the software
when developing the modules.
- added Levenshtein Distance Algorithm into StringHandling class.
- added Settings data will be replaced if the versions is different.

From the ModuleInterface:
- getFunctionality() and getHelp() functions is not yet used at the moment.... read more

Posted by Xenophobia 2004-08-06

0.6.1a Release

version 0.6.1a
- move some class to Utilities package.
- history only store unique data.
- logs can be limited by number of lines.
- fixed Logging command parser.
- fixed Settings command parser.
- Display can be limited by number of lines.

The AI still does not have any functionality yet.

to run the executable type: java -jar filename.jar

Posted by Xenophobia 2004-06-29

0.6a release

The documentation is just the api and its outdated.

I don't have any other pc at the moment so I can't provide installation/compilation instruction just yet.

If you manage to compile it and run it just type /help for help

Posted by Xenophobia 2004-06-27

Initial release

The source code is buggy, so don't download them just yet.

Posted by Xenophobia 2004-06-27


I'm still exploring the sourceforge website, too confusing for me.

Source code are not yet done. I'm currently changing all comments in the source code to javadoc style.

Posted by Xenophobia 2004-06-26