
MX4J 2.0 Beta 1 Released !

The MX4J project has released version 2.0 beta 1.
MX4J 2.0 is an implementation of JMX 1.2.1 and JSR 160 (JMX Remote API) 1.0.

In this release:

+ Implemented JMX 1.2.1
+ Implemented JMX Remote 1.0
+ Removed obsolete MX4J 1.x RMI remoting code
+ Package name change for the HttpAdaptor
+ ConfigurationLoader to load MBeans from XML
+ Statistics MBeans
+ Improved Jython support
+ JSR 160 rmi, iiop, local and soap providers
+ JSR 160 tools

Posted by Simone Bordet 2003-11-25

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