
Choreography not opening --graph --map

Jason Pitt
  • Jason Pitt

    Jason Pitt - 2010-10-20

    I'm having trouble getting Choreography to open a new window when I pass it the -map and -graph options.  It seems to process the data, but no windows open….I have the JRE and JDK installed and am on windows 7 64bit

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-27

    Sorry for overlooking this post-but I'm afraid we wouldn't have been much help anyway, since we haven't had any problem with opening windows under Windows, and we don't have a Windows 7 system.  I hope you managed to resolve the issue!

    Also, incidentally, we also would have been happier without LabView and associated BS, but dealing with camera drivers can be infuriating, and National Instruments does that fairly well, and writing GUIs can also be infuriating, and LabView at least makes that straightforward if not elegant.


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