
Slimserver cli

  • heywood

    heywood - 2007-11-25

    I am a newbie and I am trying to connect to slimserver using mclient. I am getting an error when I try to use mclient telling me that it can not get to port 9090 on slimserver cli. it tells me to go to the security setting on slimserver. What should I do?

    • Rick Stuart

      Rick Stuart - 2007-11-26

      Getting to port 9090 isn't going to stop you from playing music (well, I don't think MClient has gotten that sophisticated yet).  What will stop working for sure are all the nice full screen displays.  That 2 line display to the upper-right of center of the MClient screen should keep on working.

      Some linux distributions (I think Debian) like to run a secure ship and do not have SqueezeCenter (a.k.a. SlimServer) running with port 9090 open.  However, you didn't say what you were running SqueezeCenter on (a Windose box for all I know). You can unlock port 9090 by fiddling with the SqueezeCenter web pages.  Just point your web browser at port 9000 on the machine you installed SqueezeCenter on.  You can read more about it at

      As a test of your SqueezeCenter install, I always suggest running a copy of softsqueeze (a software java based SqueezeCenter client).  This player can be activated (and, I think even downloaded) when using the web interface to your SqueezeCenter server.  Do this first on the computer running the SqueezeCenter server then on a different machine on the same network (if possible).  At this point you can eliminate SqueezeCenter configuration problems and concentrate on setting up your mvpmc box and MClient.



      Most developers and users hang out on the mailing lists.

      Currently, the best mvpmc resource are the wiki pages:

    • Rick Stuart

      Rick Stuart - 2007-11-30

      I'll have to apologize, it appears that MClient badly handles not being able to talk to the CLI of SqueezeCenter and crashes.  This shouldn't happen and needs to be looked into.  I'll assume you are running SqueezeCenter on a Debian box w/the Debian version of SqueezeCenter still called SqueezeServer.  This is what I believe you need to do:

      ( posted on the mvpmc-user mail list...)

      As root, edit the file /etc/defaults/slimserver and comment out the
      HTTP_ADDR= and CLI_PORT=0 lines. These over ride the setting
      you make inside of SlimServer.  Now go onto the SlimServer's web page at
      localhost:9000 with a web browser on the same machine.  Under Server
      Setting / Security / Allowed IP Addresses change the entry to something
      like,192.168.1.* given you and all your clients are on subnet
      192.168.1.* and you trust everyone on that subnet.  If not, change this
      line accordingly.  You might need to lower the CSRF and other Protection
      Levels here as well. Now go to Server Settings / Network and change the
      Command Line Interace Port Number to 9090.

      I believe everything should work on MClient / mvpmc now.  I suspect you
      would have needed these same changes on the Debian distribution of
      SlimServer if you were going to use any of the slimdevice boxes.

      If you are still worried about security you can try restricting the IP
      addresses and raising the protection level.  Some people on more public
      networks do have a real concern as port 9090 attaches to the
      SlimServer's Command Line Interface (CLI) and can be used to delete or
      otherwise mangle their music collection.

      There has been a request to add SlimServer style password protection to
      MClient / mvpmc.  If more people are interested I'll see what I can do.


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