
H3 no TFTP

  • snow_freak

    snow_freak - 2007-10-05

    I'm trying hard to get my Mediamvp H3 to work. But it won't tftp.
    I have followed the instuction in the wiki for H3 boot.

    A dhcp servers is running and the mvp gets a IP-address.
    tftp is configured in /etc/services/ to Port 69 and 16869 udp.
    mvprealy is running. (mvprelay 16881 5906 6337

    I have logged the network traffic with wireshark an I have seen an nbns reqeust from the mvp on port 137.
    Which is answered by my box with 'Port unreachable'. I could not see any tftp requests.

    Has anyone an idea what's wrong?

    • Tom Metro

      Tom Metro - 2007-10-05

      Please post follow-up questions to the mvpmc-users mailing list, where you will reach a wider audience. If you don't like using email lists, you can post via a web interface here:

      snow_freak writes:
      > ...the mvp gets a IP-address.

      Good. How have you determined that?

      > tftp is configured in /etc/services/ to Port 69 and 16869 udp

      In /etc/services/? I'm not familiar with using the /etc/services/ directory, but I'm not sure putting multiple entries in the /etc/services file will cause inetd to listen on multiple ports for the specified service. The typical setup requires adding two entries in inetd.conf for tftpd. See the wiki for examples.

      Are you launching tftpd from inetd?

      > mvprealy is running

      OK. You might want to try:

      which provides better logging.

      > I have logged the network traffic with wireshark
      > an I have seen an nbns reqeust from the mvp on port 137.
      > Which is answered by my box with 'Port unreachable'.

      The NETBIOS Name Service requests might be happening when the mvpmc startup script attempts to mount a file share as a fall-back means of loading the dongle.bin.config, though that would imply that the mvpmc dongle has loaded, and it sounds like it hasn't. Perhaps the Hauppauge firmware is triggering the request. But in any case, it shouldn't be relevant, and the response is expected unless you are running samba on the target box.

      What you want to look for with wireshark (or more simply in the mvpboot logs) are broadcast UDP packets aimed at the relay service on port 16881.

      What do you see on the MVP screen while all this is happening? Do you ever see the mvpmc logo?


    • snow_freak

      snow_freak - 2007-10-05

      Hello Tom,
      thanks for your reply.
      My entry in /etc/inetd.conf is:
      tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd --trace -v 7 /tftpboot

      my entries in /etc/services are:
      tftp        69/udp
      tftp        16869/udp

      Like you suggested i tried two entries in /etc/inetd.conf:
      tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd --port 69 --trace -v 7 /tftpboot
      tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd --port 16869 --trace -v 7 /tftpboot
      No success.

      mvpboot i have tried too. Here are the logs from /var/log/syslog:

      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow dhcpd: uid lease for client 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a is duplicate on 192.168.1/24
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a via eth1
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a via eth1
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow dhcpd: uid lease for client 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a is duplicate on 192.168.1/24
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a via eth1
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a via eth1
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow mvpboot[4355]: got mvpboot request packet from (seq=1 id1=babe id2=fafe hwaddr=000dfe0bb01a client_addr=3232235779 clie
      nt_port=16882 guiserv_addr=0 guiserv_port=0 conserv_addr=0 conserv_port=0 serv_addr=0 serv_port=0)
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow mvpboot[4355]: client hwaddr: 000dfe0bb01a ip: port: 16882
      Oct  5 20:09:57 snow mvpboot[4355]: sending mvpboot reply packet to (seq=1 id1=fafe id2=babe hwaddr=00e04cc272da client_addr=3232235779 cli
      ent_port=2048 guiserv_addr=3232235778 guiserv_port=5906 conserv_addr=3232235778 conserv_port=6337 serv_addr=3232235778 serv_port=16886)
      Oct  5 20:09:59 snow mvpboot[4355]: got mvpboot request packet from (seq=1 id1=babe id2=fafe hwaddr=000dfe0bb01a client_addr=3232235779 clie
      nt_port=16882 guiserv_addr=0 guiserv_port=0 conserv_addr=0 conserv_port=0 serv_addr=0 serv_port=0)
      Oct  5 20:09:59 snow mvpboot[4355]: client hwaddr: 000dfe0bb01a ip: port: 16882
      Oct  5 20:09:59 snow mvpboot[4355]: sending mvpboot reply packet to (seq=1 id1=fafe id2=babe hwaddr=00e04cc272da client_addr=3232235779 cli
      ent_port=2048 guiserv_addr=3232235778 guiserv_port=5906 conserv_addr=3232235778 conserv_port=6337 serv_addr=3232235778 serv_port=16886)
      Oct  5 20:10:03 snow mvpboot[4355]: got mvpboot request packet from (seq=1 id1=babe id2=fafe hwaddr=000dfe0bb01a client_addr=3232235779 clie
      nt_port=16882 guiserv_addr=0 guiserv_port=0 conserv_addr=0 conserv_port=0 serv_addr=0 serv_port=0)
      Oct  5 20:10:03 snow mvpboot[4355]: client hwaddr: 000dfe0bb01a ip: port: 16882
      Oct  5 20:10:03 snow mvpboot[4355]: sending mvpboot reply packet to (seq=1 id1=fafe id2=babe hwaddr=00e04cc272da client_addr=3232235779 cli
      ent_port=2048 guiserv_addr=3232235778 guiserv_port=5906 conserv_addr=3232235778 conserv_port=6337 serv_addr=3232235778 serv_port=16886)
      Oct  5 20:10:35 snow mvpboot[4355]: got mvpboot request packet from (seq=1 id1=babe id2=fafe hwaddr=000dfe0bb01a client_addr=3232235779 clie
      nt_port=16882 guiserv_addr=0 guiserv_port=0 conserv_addr=0 conserv_port=0 serv_addr=0 serv_port=0)
      Oct  5 20:10:35 snow mvpboot[4355]: client hwaddr: 000dfe0bb01a ip: port: 16882
      Oct  5 20:10:35 snow mvpboot[4355]: sending mvpboot reply packet to (seq=1 id1=fafe id2=babe hwaddr=00e04cc272da client_addr=3232235779 cli
      ent_port=2048 guiserv_addr=3232235778 guiserv_port=5906 conserv_addr=3232235778 conserv_port=6337 serv_addr=3232235778 serv_port=16886)
      Oct  5 20:10:35 snow mvpboot[4355]: got mvpboot request packet from (seq=1 id1=babe id2=fafe hwaddr=000dfe0bb01a client_addr=3232235779 clie
      nt_port=16882 guiserv_addr=0 guiserv_port=0 conserv_addr=0 conserv_port=0 serv_addr=0 serv_port=0)
      Oct  5 20:10:35 snow mvpboot[4355]: client hwaddr: 000dfe0bb01a ip: port: 16882
      Oct  5 20:10:35 snow mvpboot[4355]: sending mvpboot reply packet to (seq=1 id1=fafe id2=babe hwaddr=00e04cc272da client_addr=3232235779 cli
      ent_port=2048 guiserv_addr=3232235778 guiserv_port=5906 conserv_addr=3232235778 conserv_port=6337 serv_addr=3232235778 serv_port=16886)

      While all this is happening on the screen is 'Contacting Servers'. I have never seen th mvpmc logo.


      • Tom Metro

        Tom Metro - 2007-10-05

        Please post follow-up questions to the mvpmc-users mailing list, where you will reach a wider audience. If you don't like using email lists, you can post via a web interface here:

        snow_freak writes:
        > Like you suggested i tried two entries in /etc/inetd.conf...
        > No success.

        The log you quoted seemed to indicate that DHCP and the relay server portions are working.

        Are you sure inetd is running? On some systems it isn't even installed by default, yet you may still have an inetd.conf, which can be misleading.

        I'd recommend manually making a tftp connection to each of the ports and see what happens. You can use any other Linux or Windows machine to do that, or if necessary, connect from the same machine running the TFTP server.


      • Tom Metro

        Tom Metro - 2007-10-09

        I didn't noticed this in your earlier message, but...

        > Like you suggested i tried two entries in /etc/inetd.conf:
        > tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd --port 16869
        > --trace -v 7 /tftpboot

        The --port switch to aftpd is meaningless when it is being launched by inetd. The inetd process is the one responsible for making the network connection in this case. The --port option is used when atftpd is ran as a daemon without inetd.

        As I mentioned in my other reply, the 'tftp' symbol at the start of the line is just a reference into the /etc/services file and can be replaced with a literal port number when you want to run something on a non-standard port.


    • snow_freak

      snow_freak - 2007-10-06

      inetd is definitly running.

      > I'd recommend manually making a tftp connection to each of the ports and see what happens. You can .... connect from the same machine running the TFTP server.

      What I have to do in order to test this?


      • Tom Metro

        Tom Metro - 2007-10-07

        > What I have to do in order to test this?

        On Windows, the supplied TFTP client uses the following command line syntax:

        TFTP [-i] host [GET | PUT] source [destination]

          -i              Specifies binary image transfer mode (also called
                          octet). In binary image mode the file is moved
                          literally, byte by byte. Use this mode when
                          transferring binary files.
          host            Specifies the local or remote host.
          GET             Transfers the file destination on the remote host to
                          the file source on the local host.
          PUT             Transfers the file source on the local host to
                          the file destination on the remote host.
          source          Specifies the file to transfer.
          destination     Specifies where to transfer the file.

        Unfortunately it doesn't seem to support non-standard ports. But you can still use it to try out the standard port:

        % tftp -i GET dongle.bin.config
        Transfer successful: 962 bytes in 1 second, 962 bytes/s

        Replace with the IP or hostname of your machine running tftpd. I chose to use 'dongle.bin.config' as the test file because it is small and I know it exists on my server. Feel free to use 'dongle.bin' or some other file for testing. Another worthy test is prefixing the filename with a path, though until you get tftpd working well enough to log requests, you won't know what path the MVP is requesting.

        And of course while running any of these tests you should be doing a tail -f on the appropriate log file for tftpd, or examining it after each attempt.

        It's also worth trying to retrieve a file you know doesn't exist, to see if that gets logged. Some TFTP servers are poor at logging errors and the MVP may be requesting a file that doesn't exist. Though TFTP servers aren't typically all that great at logging, you should get at least a few clues. I found the BSD tftpd to be a little less buggy and better at logging than atftpd.

        On a Linux system, you'll need to install a tftp client (it may not be installed with tftpd), and then run:

        % tftp
        tftp> binary
        tftp> connect
        tftp> get dongle.bin.config
        Received 962 bytes in 0.0 seconds
        tftp> quit

        And then to test the other port:

        % tftp
        tftp> binary
        tftp> connect 16869
        tftp> get dongle.bin.config
        Received 962 bytes in 0.0 seconds
        tftp> quit

        To gain the highest confidence that the alternate port is working, comment out the entry in inetd.conf for the standard TFTP port, and restart inet.d, then retry the last test above.

        If you run into problems, there is a 'verbose' and 'trace' command to try.

        The TFTP client supplied with the BusyBox shell used by mvpmc has yet another syntax, but it is irrelevant until you can succeed in getting the dongle loaded. But knowing how to use it can sometimes help in troubleshooting problems with loading the startup script (dongle.bin.config) or theme file.


    • snow_freak

      snow_freak - 2007-10-08

      Hello Tom,
      thanks for your good explanation.

      Now the ftfp is running, at least on my local machine.
      I tested with:
      $ atftp
      tftp> trace
      Trace mode on.
      tftp> connect 16869
      tftp> get dongle.bin.ver
      Overwite local file [y/n]? y
      sent RRQ <file: dongle.bin.ver, mode: octet <>>
      received DATA <block: 1, size: 40>
      sent ACK <block: 1>
      tftp> connect 69
      tftp> get dongle.bin.ver
      Overwite local file [y/n]? y
      sent RRQ <file: dongle.bin.ver, mode: octet <>>
      received DATA <block: 1, size: 40>
      sent ACK <block: 1>
      tftp> quit

      To get both ports working, i had to enter new entries for tftp with new services names in /etc/services and inetd.conf.
      tftp        69/udp
      tftp1        16869/udp
      tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd --verbose=7 /tftpboot
      tftp1 dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd --port 16869 --verbose=7 /tftpboot

      But I still have no tftp traffic with my media mvp. Here is the the wireshark log:
      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            1 0.000000            DHCP     DHCP Discover - Transaction ID 0x574d277a

      Frame 1 (590 bytes on wire, 590 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootpc (68), Dst Port: bootps (67)
      Bootstrap Protocol

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            2 0.001385            DHCP     DHCP Offer    - Transaction ID 0x574d277a

      Frame 2 (342 bytes on wire, 342 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootps (67), Dst Port: bootpc (68)
      Bootstrap Protocol

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            3 0.000527            DHCP     DHCP Request  - Transaction ID 0x574d277a

      Frame 3 (590 bytes on wire, 590 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootpc (68), Dst Port: bootps (67)
      Bootstrap Protocol

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            4 0.000832            DHCP     DHCP ACK      - Transaction ID 0x574d277a

      Frame 4 (342 bytes on wire, 342 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootps (67), Dst Port: bootpc (68)
      Bootstrap Protocol

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            5 0.050672        WCCP     Unknown WCCP message (1)[Malformed Packet]

      Frame 5 (94 bytes on wire, 94 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 2048 (2048), Dst Port: 16881 (16881)
      Web Cache Coordination Protocol
      [Malformed Packet: WCCP]

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            6 0.056461    RealtekS_c2:72:da     Broadcast             ARP      Who has  Tell

      Frame 6 (42 bytes on wire, 42 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Address Resolution Protocol (request)

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            7 0.056664    Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a     RealtekS_c2:72:da     ARP is at 00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a

      Frame 7 (60 bytes on wire, 60 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da)
      Address Resolution Protocol (reply)

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            8 0.056675            UDP      Source port: 32773  Destination port: 16882 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT]

      Frame 8 (94 bytes on wire, 94 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32773 (32773), Dst Port: 16882 (16882)
      Data (52 bytes)

      0000  00 00 00 01 fa fe ba be 00 e0 4c c2 72 da 00 00   ..........L.r...
      0010  c0 a8 01 03 08 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 02 17 12 00 00   ................
      0020  c0 a8 01 02 18 c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 02   ................
      0030  41 f6 00 00                                       A...

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
            9 2.055734        WCCP     Unknown WCCP message (1)[Malformed Packet]

      Frame 9 (94 bytes on wire, 94 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 2048 (2048), Dst Port: 16881 (16881)
      Web Cache Coordination Protocol
      [Malformed Packet: WCCP]

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           10 2.057219            UDP      Source port: 32773  Destination port: 16882 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT]

      Frame 10 (94 bytes on wire, 94 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32773 (32773), Dst Port: 16882 (16882)
      Data (52 bytes)

      0000  00 00 00 01 fa fe ba be 00 e0 4c c2 72 da 00 00   ..........L.r...
      0010  c0 a8 01 03 08 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 02 17 12 00 00   ................
      0020  c0 a8 01 02 18 c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 02   ................
      0030  41 f6 00 00                                       A...

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           11 5.503267        WCCP     Unknown WCCP message (1)[Malformed Packet]

      Frame 11 (94 bytes on wire, 94 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 2048 (2048), Dst Port: 16881 (16881)
      Web Cache Coordination Protocol
      [Malformed Packet: WCCP]

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           12 5.512525            UDP      Source port: 32773  Destination port: 16882 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT]

      Frame 12 (94 bytes on wire, 94 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32773 (32773), Dst Port: 16882 (16882)
      Data (52 bytes)

      0000  00 00 00 01 fa fe ba be 00 e0 4c c2 72 da 00 00   ..........L.r...
      0010  c0 a8 01 03 08 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 02 17 12 00 00   ................
      0020  c0 a8 01 02 18 c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 02   ................
      0030  41 f6 00 00                                       A...

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           13 7.512556            NBNS     Name query NBSTAT *<00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00><00>

      Frame 13 (92 bytes on wire, 92 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 2048 (2048), Dst Port: netbios-ns (137)
      NetBIOS Name Service

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           14 7.512605            ICMP     Destination unreachable (Port unreachable)

      Frame 14 (120 bytes on wire, 120 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      Internet Control Message Protocol

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           15 9.015395        UDP      Source port: nfs  Destination port: 16891

      Frame 15 (86 bytes on wire, 86 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
      Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
      User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: nfs (2049), Dst Port: 16891 (16891)
      Data (44 bytes)

      0000  00 00 00 02 ab eb af ef 00 0d fe 0b b0 1a 00 00   ................
      0010  c0 a8 01 03 41 fc 00 00 00 00 00 fa 00 00 00 1b   ....A...........
      0020  00 ff ff ff 00 02 61 c0 00 00 4f 1a               ......a...O.

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           16 12.511867   Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a     RealtekS_c2:72:da     ARP      Who has  Tell

      Frame 16 (60 bytes on wire, 60 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a), Dst: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da)
      Address Resolution Protocol (request)

      No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
           17 12.511890   RealtekS_c2:72:da     Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a     ARP is at 00:e0:4c:c2:72:da

      Frame 17 (42 bytes on wire, 42 bytes captured)
      Ethernet II, Src: RealtekS_c2:72:da (00:e0:4c:c2:72:da), Dst: Hauppaug_0b:b0:1a (00:0d:fe:0b:b0:1a)
      Address Resolution Protocol (reply)


      • MVallevand

        MVallevand - 2007-10-08

        On 10/8/07, Tom Metro <> wrote:
        > >
        > >      WCCP     Unknown WCCP message (1)[Malformed Packet]
        > I don't know what WCCP protocol is (Web Cache Coordination Protocol,
        > apparently), but this appears to be the broadcast packet the MVP sends
        > to the relay service. It should be showing up as UDP. If the "malformed"
        > designation is just wireshark failing to recognize it, then no big deal.

        No, it's just a bad interpretatin of the type type of raw TCP traffic wireshark is seeing.

        Snow_freak, I've found that a linux livecd like knoppix can be really good for testing tftp if you've got a Windows machine on your network.


      • Tom Metro

        Tom Metro - 2007-10-09

        It'd be really nice to move this discussion over to the mvpmc-user list. There are more people there, I can reply faster there, and the answers will be archived where other people can find them easier.

        I've replied to your message on the list:



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