
Newbie Question

a bouh
  • a bouh

    a bouh - 2009-01-10


    Actualy i have a lot of question, but first let me start explaining my whole project and then i will ask the question. My project consist of building a set-top box that lets you view Internet-based content on your TV, "WITHOUT CONNECTING TO A COMPUTER". So that mean i will have my own server and the set-top box will connect to my server using the ethernet connection from the router. In my TV i will see 3 menu (Video, Music, Picture) and afcorse the setting menu. From there i will choose to view the video files or the music... And then watch. Same thing as the sagetv theater, the roku box... So after i did a lot of research on  digital media receiver (DMR) and other topics related to the project, i found first the hauppage mediamvp and also other product. And after i found this project mvpmc and i thaugh this is the jackpot. But after reading a lot on the project i had a lot of question to myself. So if you guys can help answer my question it will be appreciated :

    1) When using the mvpmc, i understant that we need the pc to install the files. And i understant that if you need to view your computer files (video,music...) you will need to run the pc first. But my question is, if if i have my files already in my server, do i need the pc to run? So basicly my question is "for files located in a server, do we need the pc to be running so i can view the files using mediamvp and mvpmc?"

    2) I understant that you can modified the frontend menu of the mvpmc, so here my question is do we still need the pc to run?

    3) one of my files that is on my server its a "ASF" files so i was asking my self if mvpmc can play those files?

    i will stop on those 3 question, and ask the others after. But please if you can do me a favor and help me in this project, i will really appreciated.

    THANKS again

    • Tom Metro

      Tom Metro - 2009-01-17

      I've cross posted this reply to the mvpmc-users list, where it'll be seen by more people than on this forum. I recommend you post follow-up questions there. (See the wiki for subscribing instructions.)

      abouh096 wrote:
      > My project consist of building a set-top box that
      > lets you view Internet-based content on your TV...

      Sounds terrific. I look forward to trying out your code. (You plan to post it somewhere, right?)

      > When using the mvpmc, i understant that we
      > need the pc to install the files.

      You mean the firmware? Yes, you need some other device that can provide the firmware via TFTP.

      > And i understant that if you need to view your
      > computer files (video,music...) you will need to
      > run the pc first.

      I don't follow this statement.

      > But my question is, if if i have my files already
      > in my server, do i need the pc to run? So
      > basicly my question is "for files located in a
      > server, do we need the pc to be running so i
      > can view the files using mediamvp and
      > mvpmc?"

      This doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless I assume that by "pc" you mean a Windows computer running the Hauppauge media server software, and that by "server" you mean some other computer independently acting as a file server.

      If so, the answer is that you don't need the Hauppauge media server at all. May of us use MVPs and have never ran the Hauppauge software. Instead using a Linux server to provide both firmware and media to the MVP.

      If you're writing your own firmware, then the only real constraint is meeting the requirements of the Hauppauge bootloader to get the firmware loaded. Beyond that you can access any server accessible to the MVP's network.

      > I understant that you can modified the
      > frontend menu of the mvpmc, so here my
      > question is do we still need the pc to run?

      Again, this doesn't quite make sense. mvpmc generates its menus independent of any other computer (once the firmware is booted), unlike some MVP applications that take a "thin client" approach. Of course the functionality of those menus often depends on an ability to connect to other computers (like the MythTV back-end).

      > one of my files that is on my server its a "ASF"
      > files so i was asking my self if mvpmc can play
      > those files?

      Not directly, but see the information on VLC in the wiki.



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