
#28 playing a file via vlc results in child failed error 11


While playing files via vlc I experience a restart of the mvpmc-process after 10-60 seconds.

Output of mvpmc 0.3.4 over telnet:

video write thread running
audio write thread running
http opened /mnt/movies/WECHSEL500-2/SERIES/Die Dinos (tt0101081)/s01/
Freeing PAT Decoder
Initializing PAT Decoder
write threads released
Freeing PAT Decoder
Initializing PAT Decoder
VLC: broadcast messages enabled == 0
VLC: VLC_PCTPOS Position: 14%, Time: 188020000.000000, Length: 1320000000.000000
auto detection transport stream returned 1
Lost Sync
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 1, expected 0) for PID 0
Decoding Program Association Table
prog 1 pmtpid 66
Freeing PMT Decoder
Initializing PMT Decoder
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 1, expected 0) for PID 66
Decoding Program Map Table
pcr_pid = 69
Elementary Stream type 3 has pid 68
Audio Type = unknown ffffffff
Allocating ipack 0 to pid 68; forcing streamid to 0xc0
Elementary Stream type 2 has pid 69
Allocating ipack 1 to pid 69; forcing streamid to 0xe0
found 1 video streams; 1 audio streams; 0 subtitle streams
switch to MPEG audio output device
Changing to aspect 3, afd -1
Source video aspect ratio: 16:9
Setting WSS aspect to: 7
Source video aspect ratio: 16:9
Setting WSS aspect to: 7
Changing to aspect 3, afd -1
Source video aspect ratio: 16:9
Setting WSS aspect to: 7
Changing to aspect 3, afd -1
Source video aspect ratio: 16:9
Setting WSS aspect to: 7
** here was the crash **
child failed, with status 11, restarting...
child pid 284
MediaMVP Media Center
Version 0.3.4
fnt_createfont: using font /etc/helvR10.fnt
fnt_createfont: /etc/helvB18.pcf,0 not found
glyph_count = 756 (2f4)
def char 0 (0)
size 8960 byte1 0,34 byte2 0,255
pcf_createfont: using font /etc/helvB18.pcf
Sun Nov 18 11:20:12 EST 2007PAL mode, 720x576
createfont: (height == 0) found builtin font System (0)
createfont: (height == 0) found builtin font System (0)
screen is 720 x 576


dth <>


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