Boredom inc. - 2008-01-10


I'm aware that others have noted that the current code will not compile in MTASC. I'm interested to know if anybody has managed to get it compiled and running correctly. I managed to compile the button version but when I embed the .swf in a page all I see is a white screen. I'm not sure if this is due to a lack of a entry point (main function) or something completely different. Note: It's definitely not due to incorrect filepath etc. as replacing the modified button swf with the original button swf works correct.

If anyone knows why this is and can suggest any methods to fix this I might be able to clean up the code a bit so that it compiles by both MTASC and the Macromedia/Adobe compiler. Also, I'm going to add some nifty features (eg. interfacing with PHP in order to load MP3s out of a MySQL database.)
