
v1.1.0 tarball is posted


Version 1.1 of the SDK has a couple of new features (playlists and SmartNames) as well as numerous bug fixes.

Upgrading to this version is recommended for anyone who's currently hacking musephpsdk. Anyone new to the SDK should use this version as well.

1. Playlists have been enabled in Muse.Net SDK. You can add any combination of artists/albums/tracks to create a playlist. Multiple playlists can be saved server-side.
2. SmartNames - normalizes the titles you may have inherited from CDDB ("The Specials" => "Specials, The" for example). This option is ON by default, but may be toggled through the 'Options' link in the site.

Enjoy, and please visit our forum with any questions:
http:// . I'll be in on the My.Muse.Net and Muse.Net Service:PHP discussions. Also, you can always pop into #mediacode in IRC.


Posted by Ronen Botzer 2003-07-23

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