
#1 very slow at loading code


When adding a file to a project (or opening a project with a file already added), it takes an INCREDIBLY long time to open any reasonably sized C++ file. At least when using WinAros(Developer) on a dual-core PC.

It's good there is a progress bar (with 5% increments), but it still takes many many minutes (I did not time it) to process 10,000 lines of code.

This renders Murks!IDE virtually useless for me.

AmiDevCpp can be quite slow when used on very large files, but it at least has the option of disabling the class browser (for a massive speed-up). Perhaps Murks could offer the option to disable whatever is taking so much time?


  • Krzysztof Smiechowicz

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Well look into this problem. Can you tell us the size (in bytes) of the file you are trying to load and estimated time of loading?

  • Chris Handley

    Chris Handley - 2008-04-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    When loading a C++ file, the "processing..." part takes 15-16 minutes for a 624,277 byte file containing 16,353 lines.

    It may never be very fast under QEmu (where GCC takes 15 times longer than the native Windows version), but it would be good if it could be improved.


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