
Compress -nocore14 enhancement request

  • ncyprus

    ncyprus - 2004-06-23

    The -nocore14 option in the Compress tool removes any of the standard 14 fonts from a PDF. Mac OS X, however, renames these fonts and embeds them in the PDFs it writes. The changed names are just six (or so) uppercase letters prefixed to the standard font names. It would save a good bit of space if Compress -nocore14 would rename these fonts back to the standard and then remove them, assuming that's feasible. An additional option, like -nocore14X, would work too. The -noembed option does remove these fonts, but Adobe Reader then substitutes one of its multiple master fonts, which is not as good.

    • Tom Phelps

      Tom Phelps - 2004-06-24

      That's a good idea.  Those six uppercase letters mark subsetted fonts, and I'll have to extend the core 14 removal to check this case too.


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