
Version 1.00.1

Since Megaupload has changed its download method, I had to make this update. Now it's working!

Since burale asked me what servers can MUD manage, I post here a list with the server and a tag that says its status: : working : not working; I just can't download from it even with my browser! : recaptcha : recaptcha : not working, maybe will be fixed : working : working : working : working : working : working : working : recaptcha : working : working : not working, maybe will be fixed working : working : working : working

The tag "recaptcha" means that they are using recaptcha, a type of captchas that I CAN'T BREAK. So untill they will be using it, I won't be able to update those plugins!

However 14 servers are working, so enjoy!

Posted by marco6 2010-12-12

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