
#67 MinGW Packages Sources


More of a question than anything, but why are source packages for the MinGW binary packages not being uploaded? I was wanting to look at the patches for Node.JS/Git/etc so I could build the latest versions myself, but couldn't find the sources.

Is there another place I can find the patches? If there isn't, I think a place should be set up. Perhaps a Repo on Github?


  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2014-08-17
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Alexx83
  • Brisingr Aerowing

    Ah, Thanks!

  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2015-06-20

    It would be very convenient for us (the users of MSYS2) being able of getting the source code with the package manager.

    That is, for each binary/devel package, define a source package with the corresponding source code.

    Cygwin (for example) does that (example:

    I think it would be definitely a good feature. Please consider it.


  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-06-20

    We use package manager from Arch Linux, so you can ask there about this feature adding.

  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2015-06-20

    Mmm... that does not seem to make sense.

    It is up to you (the MSYS2 project) to decide what packages you define/distribute with MSYS2. It has nothing to do with Arch Linux (they maintain pacman, but not the catalog of MSYS2 packages).

    Am I missing something?

  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-06-20

    I'm not understand then when you want.
    I think you want that you can get source packages via pacman, no?

  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2015-06-20

    Yes, of course.

    So the question is: "Who defines/creates the MSYS2 packages (available via pacman)?"
    I think that the answer is: "The MSYS2 project (regardless of who maintains pacman)."

    So, is up to you to define source code packages for each binary/devel package you distribute for MSYS2.

  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-06-20

    All source packages uploaded to See

    But pacman can't download source packages itself.


    Last edit: Alexx83 2015-06-20
  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2015-06-20

    Can't you put the source code of each "foo" package in a new "foo-src" package?

    That way, if some user wants to build the "foo" package, all she have to do is run "pacman -S foo-src", and pacman will fetch and install the source code tree (and its build-time dependencies, if any). That would be a lot more convenient than the current approach (i.e. manually download and unpack the package from sourceforge).

    Cygwin (and every gnu/linux distro I've tried) does just that. They distribute a source code package for each binary package. It would be great if MSYS2 did the same.


    Last edit: Dani Moncayo 2015-06-21
  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-06-21

    I can't do this.
    First, source packages are upload in separate directory so pacman can't find them.
    Second, to build exact the same version of some package you need just get PKGBUILD for it and use makepkg-mingw to fetch sources and build them.
    Third (and the main), source packages have different structure than binary. Every binary packages have .PKGINFO and .MTREE files - entries for pacman's database. Source packages don't have this files. So right now it not possible to add source packages to database. You need to ask pacman developers to implement this feature.


    Last edit: Alexx83 2015-06-21