
Alternative to split packages ?

  • Philippe Renon

    Philippe Renon - 2016-02-01


    We recently submitted a new mingw package for osgearth.

    This package made use of split packages (i.e. to produce two packages : osgearth and osgearth-debug) in a way similar to the existing OpenSceneGraph package.
    We were told not to use split packages as it generates more work for the maintainers. Fair enough...

    So now the questions is what are the alternatives to using split packages to produce release and debug packages for a given framework ?

    One solution would be a single package that contains both release and debug binaries (the qt5 package does that).

    Another solution would be two completly separate packages.

    What's the recommended / accepted solution ?


    • Ray Donnelly

      Ray Donnelly - 2016-02-01

      On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 5:27 PM, Philippe Renon wrote:


      We recently submitted a new mingw package for osgearth.

      This package made use of split packages (i.e. to produce two packages :
      osgearth and osgearth-debug) in a way similar to the existing OpenSceneGraph
      We were told not to use split packages as it generates more work for the
      maintainers. Fair enough...

      So now the questions is what are the alternatives to using split packages to
      produce release and debug packages for a given framework ?

      One solution would be a single package that contains both release and debug
      binaries (the qt5 package does that).

      Another solution would be two completly separate packages.

      What's the recommended / accepted solution ?

      Hi Philippe,

      It is a tricky one ..

      How much build-time and size does the debug variant libraries add to
      the package? Packages cannot have any file overlap either, so you'd
      have to spit it carefully and make the debug depend on the non-debug,
      but that's all achievable for sure.

      For me, there are plenty of packages that I would quite like to have
      debug variants built as binaries, but the workload would be too much,
      so I don't ask. Our Python packages are a good example of this.
      Instead, I make it very easy to edit the PKGBUILDs to build the debug
      variants then build them locally. Generally speaking, I make sure that
      setting the options=('debug' '!strip') "do the right thing", but you
      can do it however you feel is best.

      You could go back to how you had it the PKGBUILD written to be
      split-packages capable, but then push it to us with the pkgname array
      containing only a single entry, for the release builds, then when
      someone needs the debug version, advise them to build it themselves.

      The thing is, debug packages with source code paths pointing to files
      that aren't on the local machine and pathed correctly and that aren't
      quickly editable and re-'make'-able are only of limited use anyway.

      The strategy I employ for PKGBUILDs and development / debug versions
      is to try to commit mingw-w64-${pkgname}-git/PKGBUILD packages which
      (as you'd expect!) pull down the sources from the source repository
      and build the very latest master version, in debug mode, using "git
      am" to apply any local patches. I try to do my MSYS2 specific
      development work in there and then copy the patches into the non-git
      version of the package. We tend not to build binaries for the -git
      versions (only in exceptional situations), so we'd welcome a pull
      request for mingw-w64-osgearth-git/PKGBUILD setup in this way.

      Best regards,



      Alternative to split packages ?

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  • Philippe Renon

    Philippe Renon - 2016-02-02

    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for the detailled answer.

    Seems like there is no fit-all solution and the best approach depends on the nature of the package.

    Concerning osgearth :

    Osgearth is an extension of OpenSceneGraph and cannot be built or used without OpenSceneGraph. As such osgearth and OpenSceneGraph share a lot (very similar build procedure, dependencies, ...).

    So it would make sense that their respective PKGBUILD are also made similar.
    OpenSceneGraph uses split packages for release and debug builds, and respects the critiria given above for such an approach (i.e. no file overlap, debug package dependent on release one, ...).

    Build time of osgearth is roughly doubled and the osgearth-debug package size is of the same order of magnitude as the release package.

    osgearth-debug would be dependent on osgearth and OpenSceneGraph-debug.

    So the proposed approach is to :
    Make the new osgearth package similar to the existing OpenSceneGraph package.
    The two packages could then later co evolve if a another approach is preferred.

    Best regards,


    Last edit: Philippe Renon 2016-02-02
    • Ray Donnelly

      Ray Donnelly - 2016-02-02

      On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 10:41 AM, Philippe Renon wrote:

      Hi Ray,

      Thanks for the detailled answer.

      Seems like there is not one fit-all solution and the best approach depends
      on the nature of the package.

      Concerning osgearth :

      Osgearth is an extension of OpenSceneGraph and cannot be built or used
      without OpenSceneGraph. As such osgearth and OpenSceneGraph share a lot
      (very similar build procedure, dependencies, ...).

      So it would make sense that their respective PKGBUILD are also made similar.
      OpenSceneGraph uses split packages for release and debug builds, and
      respects the critiria given above for such an approach (i.e. no file
      overlap, debug package dependent on release one, ...).

      Build time of osgearth is roughly doubled and the osgearth-debug package
      size is of the same order of magnitude as the release package.

      osgearth-debug would be dependent on osgearth and OpenSceneGraph-debug.

      So the proposed approach is to :
      Make the new osgearth package similar to the existing OpenSceneGraph
      The two packages could then later co evolve if a another approach is

      Well, there's a strong chance I was wrong, it certainly sounds that
      way. If we've gone for OSG-debug then osgearth-debug sounds necessary.
      The core problem is the we need automation and infrastructure for the
      packaging side of things. And more people.

      Best regards,

      Alternative to split packages ?

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