
Posts caught by spam net

  • Voith

    Voith - 2012-05-15

    I have tried to post a question but it keeps getting caught by the spam net.

  • Voith

    Voith - 2012-05-15

    OK the question was…
    Is there any support for a windows installer for mspgcc presently? I used to have a working system and now I have messed it up somehow. The installer I used is unfindable.  Is there some set of instructions for installing mspgcc and whatever utilities are necessary without actually building the tool chain from source code? I see the build but I am uncertain how to actually install it so I can run my makefiles and have everything mesh.

  • Peter A. Bigot

    Peter A. Bigot - 2012-05-15

    Dunno why there would be a spam issue.  You appear to be subscribed.  I don't think too many people read this forum, so you'd be best off trying to figure out why your email to the list is being bounced.

    I have no information on installers other than what's on the wiki, and don't do development under windows, but my impression was that the mingw solution is mostly a matter of unpacking the file.

  • Voith

    Voith - 2012-05-15

    Thanks for the quick reply! I was surprised at how infrequent posts are here so I was not sure if I would get a response.

    As for the spam net; that appears to be related only to content. Perhaps coupled with me being a first time poster? Don't know why but my first two attempts to ask the question directly resulted in a "caught by spam net" message. I changed nothing but the question. Apparently the spam net is a narcissistic program that requires that all new posts be about it. It did kind of make me wonder if the quite nature of the forum was perhaps a result of this?.

    I understand that meaningful code development is difficult under windows so I was not expecting that the actual developers would support a windows install kit but I was hoping one of those "downstream packagers" would be evident. After some looking around I did find an earlier release which is the full install package under .  This was last updated in Dec of 2008 which looks to be just  a few months before hutch67 joined. I see he is the current packager of windows/mingw builds. I was wondering if it is safe to simply install his release directory structure over the installed directory. I will contact him directly on that.

    Normally under windows there is some installation process which performs registration, installs an uninstaller, sets environment variables and in this case also installs many of the binutils and msp430 support utilities. Just as you are unable to assist in windows installation so it is with many embedded developers so having a link to an installation package is very helpful for those forced to develop under windows. I installed the out-dated release without problem (it was actually newer that the release I had installed before so like the used cars I buy its "new for me").

    Perhaps a small amount of description on how to lash up the zip file release would be sufficient. I would be willing to write it if that's allowed.

  • Peter A. Bigot

    Peter A. Bigot - 2012-05-15

    I've never seen a "caught by spam net" message; to my knowledge there is neither a special spam filter on the mailing list, nor is there any first-time-poster filter.  The forums are mostly unused simply because the mailing list has always been the place where discussion takes place.

    You can add whatever you want to the wiki; the top level describes how to request write access.


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