
Mailing Lists

  • msi-workgroups-bio-metadata: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This is the list for the msi biological context metadata WG
  • msi-workgroups-board: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This is the mailing list for the msi-board.
  • msi-workgroups-chemical-analysis: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This is the list for the msi chemical analysis WG
  • msi-workgroups-data-processing: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This is the list for the msi data processing WG
  • msi-workgroups-env-bio-metadata: Subscribe | Archive | Search — List for the environmental context subgroup of the msi bio-metadata workgroup.
  • msi-workgroups-exchange-format: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This is the list for the msi exchange format WG
  • msi-workgroups-feedback: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This list shall provide a means of feedback for the endusers.
  • msi-workgroups-ontology: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This list is for the msi OWG