
About MSHWPage

Many Middle Schools deliver homework via the web, but few do it in a way that is easy for students and teachers to use. The MSHWPage Project is an attempt to create a system that is efficient to use for both teachers and students.

The part of MSHWPage that is so great for teachers is that it can be used anywhere. In most Middle Schools, homework is posted via a WYSIWYG-style editor (Frontpage, Contribute, Nvu, etc). This system only allows the teacher to post homework at school. For students, this creates problem.

If you have 5 core teachers and 1 language teacher, there are 6 pages you have to go to, and in most cases, navigate far into. MSHWPage puts all this information on one page, significantly reducing the amount of time it takes to get your homework.

The Middle School Homework Page project (MSHWPage) was started by the Linux Club of the Bentley School Middle School (also known as the Munch-a-hat Team) in late 2003, due to the complaints of teachers and students.

The Munchahat Team created a protype based on what the teachers and the students wanted. This protype serverd as an example of where we were going. The code was sloppy, functionality was limited, but it worked.

Now, we are in the middle of preparing for a major release between August and September. This release will be the first truly usuable release of MSHWPage.

We hope that you will check us out. We are at A demo of the CVS version of MSHWPage may be seen att

If you have any questions, just contact me at munchahat at users dot sourceforge dot net

Posted by Munchahat Team 2004-06-29

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