
#227 2 small requests


Set the working time for each month separately.

already booked room times are not clickable


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-10-16

    or is it possible to make these changes by self?
    Can you post a code snippet to do this?

  • Campbell Morrison

    Yes, you could make these changes by yourself, but they won't be trivial. I don't have any code snippets.

    For the first one can you give me an example of a use case where you'd need to do this, so I can understand it a bit better?

    For the second one can you explain more why you don't want to be able to click on a booked room time? Note that you'd need to provide some alternative mechanism to delete and edit entries, as well as see the detail behind them.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-10-16

    thanks for the fast answer.

    I will use MRBS for an small closed booking system only for few peoples and for 1 room.
    Not Auth is required, anyone can add a booking. but only the admin can modify or delete bookings. If an user want to delete a booking he must write a email with an ID to the admin.
    This is why no one should be able to click on already booked room times.

    We have other booking times in summer than in winter or spring.
    This is why we need to modify the booking time for each month separately.

  • Campbell Morrison

    I think the simplest thing to do, without making major changes to MRBS is to:

    (1) Create an area for each booking time, eg Spring, Summer and Winter. Each area would have the same rooms in it. You can then edit the settings for each area to have the booking times you want. Block out the times that should be booked in a different area with an appropriate booking. For example in the Winter area block book all rooms from March to November (or whatever) with a message "Please use the appropriate area".

    (2) In you can set the required level for each page. If you set the required levels for view_entry.php, del_entry.php and pending.php to 2, then that will stop ordinary users being able to delete or edit entries. (The access levels for edit_entry.php and edit_entry_handler.php have to be 1 because they are used when an entry is created, but unless you have a user who understands the MRBS code that won't be a problem).


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-10-16

    thanks for help.

    How can i block out times?

    But i think it is a good feature request. Some rooms (or other things) have different booking times in seasons.

    then users can click on the table and then comes the login. i dont want that the table is clickable when the entry is already booked. only non booked entrys should be clickable.

  • Campbell Morrison

    (1) You can block out times just by making a booking for the whole blocked out time. I'd be interested to know if anybody else has the same need for different booking times at different times of the year. My guess is that there aren't many and everybody will have their own requirements. Some may even want the times to change from year to year. So unless enough other people vote for this I'd be reluctant to implement it because it will complicate MRBS unnecessarily.

    (2) If you don't want the login page then you'll have to go into the code yourself and remove the link if the user is not an admin. ( for the day and week views, month.php for the month view)


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-10-16

    is there a way to make bulk bookings for each month? perhaps with sql or anything else. it is much work to do so many manual bookings to block times :(

    You can implement a simple config file to config different times for each month. in this file you can define for each month a begin and endtime to booking rooms. all orher times are impossible to book.

    is there no way to make a simple query in the php code to make a cell in the week view clickable if no booking at this time and not clickable if a booking at this time?

  • Campbell Morrison

    (1) It's very easy to make a bulk booking. On the edit_entry page just select all the rooms in the area, set the start date and time to the start of the closed period and the end date and time to the end, then press Save.

    (2) Yes, it's a very simple piece of code, but I'm afraid you'll have to work it out for yourself as I'm a bit busy at the moment. You'll need to search for the place where it outputs '<a' and just make the '<a>' and '</a>' conditional on the user being an admin.
