
#293 Draging an entry with mouse cause the reservation to jump to next room


Dragging a reservation with the mouse in day view- just expanding the time slot - say from 2 to 3 hrs, results in having the reservation jumping to the next room. This does happen only in second up to forelast rooms, i.e not in the first room and not in the last room. Is there any tipp how to prevent his? (testing on local host , W7 with XAMMP).

2 Attachments


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-02-08

    Sorry, If I did not use the right forum to capture this - thanks for a reply in advance , regrds Horst


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-03-30
  • Campbell Morrison

    Thanks for reporting this. I cannot reproduce this though. To help me could you let me know:

    Which version of MRBS are you using?
    It looks like you are using Internet Explorer - which version?
    Is the booking really moved - in other words is it still in the wrong room when you reload the page?


  • Campbell Morrison

    It's OK - I can reproduce it now in IE. I will investigate.


  • Campbell Morrison

    Annoying! The bug disappears if you turn on IE Developer Tools. It's only there when Developer Tools is turned off.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-02-08

    Thanks for looking into it. I confirm it does not appear in firefox. Horst

  • Campbell Morrison

    I've now fixed it in the trunk in Rev 2809. I upgraded to the latest version of jQuery and the problem went away.

    The easiest way to patch your system is to replace line 32 in the file which looks like this

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>

    by the two lines

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    Note that this solution uses the jQuery CDN as opposed to having jQuery on your server, and so relies on an external internet connection being available. If you want to have jQuery hosted locally then you'll have to download the full set of MRBS files from the trunk.


  • Campbell Morrison

    There are still some problems - although IE works OK now, it's difficult to grab hold of the edge of the booking on Firefox. I'll keep working on it.


  • Campbell Morrison

    My Firefox actually works OK now and I can grab the edges OK. I think maybe I hadn't reloaded all the files before. There is another bug I've found running on Firefox. I understand why its happening though - just working on the best way to fix it.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-02-09

    Thanks for your efforts, Campell. I replaced the lines in with no results. I possibly did something wrong...
    My ie is 11.0.9600.16476
    my firefox does not allow the edge to grap either - firefox is 26.0

    How do I get a full set of "new" mrbs files from "trunk" ?
    Again, THANKS, Horst


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-02-09
  • Campbell Morrison

    You can get a copy of the trunk from here

    If you have any problems let me know.


  • Campbell Morrison

    The problem was nothing to do with the jQuery version as I found it was still happening. It turns out to be caused by IE for some reason not respecting the position: absolute property of the outline div. Instead it gave it a relative position which caused it to appear somewhere to the bottom and right of the booking being resized. This in turn caused IE to produce a vertical scrollbar, which then altered the table size but didn't alter the size of the booking. This then led to the JavaScript calculating that the booking belonged to the next room. (The appearance of the scrollbar also explains why it appeared to go away when Developer Tools was enabled - because the scrollbar was there in the first place and so the dimensions didn't change.)

    I've fixed the problem in Rev 2837 by adding !important to the property to stop IE overriding it - though I'm not sure why it does so in the first place.

    See also



    Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2014-05-09