
'scale' property in embed tag

Peter Kyme
  • Peter Kyme

    Peter Kyme - 2004-12-16

    Would it be possible to add support for the scale property in embed tags? An explanation of the property is given here:

    This is particularly useful for showing large movies at half-size, for example.

    • Peter Kyme

      Peter Kyme - 2004-12-16

      After further investigation, I can see that support is there - it just wasn't working for me.

      In the end it turns out the version of mplayer I'm using (1.0pre5-3.2.2) doesn't support the -xy option for -vo x11, although it does support the single -x & -y options.

      Another question - how do I use the javascript methods detailed in DOCS/tech/javascript.txt.

      For example, if I have an embedded movie clip, how would I load a new clip into that plugin instance using javascript and the open() method?

      • Peter Kyme

        Peter Kyme - 2004-12-17

        Ok, scratch that - it's Open() not open(). D'oh...

        Another question, when I do javascript Open() on a file:// style url, nothing seems to happen, yet I'm ok to use such urls as the src="" when I embed the first movie.

        Am I doing something wrong?

        • Kevin DeKorte

          Kevin DeKorte - 2004-12-17

          Here is some HTML that I use:
          ******** BEGIN ***************
          <TITLE>Simple Plug-in Test</TITLE>

          <h1> XPConnect Scriptable Sample Plug-in </h1>

          This page contains a testcase which demonstrates the work of scriptable
          plug-in with Mozilla. This example plug-in has no native GUI and does not
          draw anything in the plugin window. Clicking on the button will result in callin
          native plugin method from JavaScript. Show Version will instruct the plug-in
          to retrieve the Mozilla user agent string and return it to JavaScript to show
          in the alert box.



          <embed onMediaComplete="NewFile();" type="application/x-mplayer2" width=500 heig
          ht=400 autostart=0 filename="file:///Movies/duality.divx"><br>

          var embed = document.embeds[0];

          function complete()
            alert("Media Complete");

          function Play()

          function CPlay()

          function CPause()

          function CStop()

          function Pause()

          function DoPlay()

          function DoPause()

          function Stop()

          function Quit()

          function FastForward()

          function FastReverse()

          function PlayState()

          function OrigFile()
                  embed.filename = "09_Holiday.mp3";

          function NewFile()
                  embed.filename = "sexy.mpg";

          function File()

          function gTime()
          function gDuration()
          function gPercent()

          function FS()
                  embed.fullscreen = true;

          function FSOff()
                  embed.fullscreen = false;

          function ControlsOn()
                  embed.ShowControls = true;

          function ControlsOff()
                  embed.ShowControls = false;


          <form name="formname">
          <input type=button value="Play" onclick='Play()'>
          <input type=button value="ControlsPlay" onclick='CPlay()'>
          <input type=button value="ControlsPause" onclick='CPause()'>
          <input type=button value="ControlsStop" onclick='CStop()'>
          <input type=button value="DoPlay" onclick='DoPlay()'>
          <input type=button value="Pause" onclick='Pause()'>
          <input type=button value="DoPause" onclick='DoPause()'>
          <input type=button value="Stop" onclick='Stop()'>
          <input type=button value="Quit" onclick='Quit()'>
          <input type=button value="FF" onclick='FastForward()'>
          <input type=button value="Rew" onclick='FastReverse()'>
          <input type=button value="State" onclick='PlayState()'>
          <input type=button value="Orginal File" onclick='OrigFile()'>
          <input type=button value="New File" onclick='NewFile()'>
          <input type=button value="Filename" onclick='File()'>
          <input type=button value="Time" onclick='gTime()'>
          <input type=button value="Duration" onclick='gDuration()'>
          <input type=button value="Percent" onclick='gPercent()'>
          <input type=button value="FS" onclick='FS()'>
          <input type=button value="Window" onclick='FSOff()'>
          <input type=button value="Controls ON" onclick='ControlsOn()'>
          <input type=button value="Controls OFF" onclick='ControlsOff()'>




          • Peter Kyme

            Peter Kyme - 2004-12-17

            Thanks, this will be useful.

          • Peter Kyme

            Peter Kyme - 2004-12-20

            Incidentally, it would be useful if you could support aliases where appropriate for the javascript commands supported by the quicktime plugin. A list of some of them is given here:


        • Peter Kyme

          Peter Kyme - 2004-12-17

          On further investigation it appears that the NewStream Callback wasn't occuring when the 'file://' style path went through the fullyQualifyURL function. I commented out the section beginning:

                  if (strncasecmp(localitem, "file://", 7) == 0) {

          and my problem using Open() went away. Not sure what else this will break...


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