

  • Henrik Nordhus

    Henrik Nordhus - 2003-01-21

    Hello. I've installed the latest mplayerplug-in from CVS this morning (21.02-03), compiled against mplayer 0.90Rc3, and have a slight problem. When I use the plugin with my own user account it works perfectly. When my wife reaches a page with content that would be played with it in a browser however, the browser crashes. (Mozilla goes down with no error messages I can see in the console).
    Any ideas?

    • Christian Rueb

      Christian Rueb - 2003-01-22

      Where did you install the plugin? Which version of mozilla do you use? Did you check the permissions?
      What does mozilla say about installed plugins, when your wife is logged in?

      • Henrik Nordhus

        Henrik Nordhus - 2003-01-22

        I installed it in /usr/local/mozilla/plugins, and symlinked it to the phoenix plugin directory.
        The crash happens on Phoenix 0.5 as well as Mozilla 1.2.1 on her account. The permissions are exactly the same as for other (working) plugins.
        ( -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root)
        I've installed shockwave with crossover for both users, but the other windows plugins now covered by mplayerplug-in have been uninstalled, so has plugger (which was causing some trouble).
        I Mozilla, about:plugins shows exactly the same output as for my user account too, with the correct filetypes indicated, so really I am at a loss here. MPlayer works as a stand-alone player in her user- account as well as in mine.

    • Christian Rueb

      Christian Rueb - 2003-01-22

      Hm. I had problems (crashes) with mozilla 0.98, but since I installed 1.2.1 it works fine. I also use plugin 0.32 and MPlayer 0.9rc3
      Do you use the same settings in ~/.mplayer/config ?
      Did you try Konqueror with the plugin?
      You can try: "mplayer -v " and check the output to verify that it is not mplayer that crashes although this should not affect mozilla.
      You can also try the following:
      rename her ~/.mozilla directory to .mozilla.backup or something and copy yours into her homedriectory, set correct permissions and start mozilla - this can show if it is a configuration problem.
      If it is so, save the most import things and delete her old ~/.mozilla directory.
      Sorry that I do not know too much about all these things, but perhaps you can now get closer to the problem.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-01-23

      I got a similar problem, but it never works for me, neither as root nor user.
      messages with Mozilla 1.2.1 are : ------------------------------------------------------------------

      MPlayer 0.90rc3-3.2 (C) 2000-2003 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)

      CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Duron MG Morgan (Family: 6, Stepping: 1)
      Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
      CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
      Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE

      Reading config file /usr/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory
      Reading config file /home/xavier/.mplayer/config
      Reading /home/xavier/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open '/home/xavier/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
      Reading /usr/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 49 audio & 130 video codecs
      font: can't open file: /home/xavier/.mplayer/font/font.desc
      Font /usr/share/mplayer/font/font.desc loaded successfully! (233 chars)
      Searching demuxer type for filename ext: .asx?id=19331048&ARG140=Z20030123143353625317199
      Stream bitrate properties object
      Max bandwidth set to 0
      ============ ASF Stream group == START ===
      object size = 50
      stream count=[0x4][4]
         stream id=[0x1][1]
         max bitrate=[0x57ea][22506]
         stream id=[0x2][2]
         max bitrate=[0x1ac33][109619]
         stream id=[0x3][3]
         max bitrate=[0x27505][161029]
         stream id=[0x4][4]
         max bitrate=[0x4cf7b][315259]
      ============ ASF Stream group == END ===

      That's how it ends. I use the mplayerplug-in 0.33...
      Any idea ?

    • Henrik Nordhus

      Henrik Nordhus - 2003-01-30

      I recompiled after noticing that my cvs version of MPlayerplug-in was identified as 0.33, and knowing 0.34 was out. The problem now magically disappeared and both users can now watch streams in Mozilla etc. It still escapes me why it didn't work in her account when it did in mine, considering that permissions were correct (and the same as now). I also compiled 0.34 against the same version and build of MPlayer, with no changed dependancies I can think of. The problem is solved now though, and that's the important thing, right?

      • Kevin DeKorte

        Kevin DeKorte - 2003-02-04

        It was probably due to permissions on the log files. This has been changed in v0.33 and v0.34 as log files are now optional.


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