
MP3Info / News: Recent posts

Minor update To solve label bug.

Bug discovered in the last release (0.80) is solved and ready to download.

Posted by NaiL 2004-06-03

MP3Info 0.80 Released

MP3Info 0.8 (29/05/04)

+ ID's added: file.[total_files, total_size.[bytes, kb, mb]]
+ ID's added: mp3.[total_mp3, total_size.[bytes, kb, mb], total_duration.[sec, hms]]

* Program rewrited in object-oriented programing (C++).
* Valid framesync incremented to three frames.
* Changed ID's format.
* Changed ID's: chan_mode to chanmode, no_unit to nounit.
* Removed CMD option '-a', allways append.
* Removed CMD option '-d' from users manual, now is '--debug'/'-d'.
* The '-v' option now is '-s'/'--silence' (by default the program is verbose)
* Changed CMD option '-V' to '-v'.
* Colored console.

Posted by NaiL 2004-05-29

Project status

Currently i'm converting all the code to c++, so maybe there will be a time gap before the next release. Posibly for Gen. 2004.

Posted by NaiL 2003-11-19

Next features!

This things will be aviable in my next CVS commit, and of course in the next release.

* Use of ID3Lib to improve the compatibility with all versions of ID3v2.
* Problem with big files will be solved.

Posted by NaiL 2003-07-01

MP3Info 0.70a Released

+ ID's added: Duration, Frames, Offset
+ Compatible with: VBR, Layer1, Layer2, Layer3, MPEG 1.0, MPEG 2.0, MPEG 2.5

* Show help screen when no arguments in CMD line.
* Warning if the output file exists.
* Better MP3 identification.

Posted by NaiL 2003-06-15

MP3Info 0.7a is comming.

I'll post a new prerelease in a few days.

The major updates will be:
* MP3 Duration

Posted by NaiL 2003-06-12

MP3Info 0.6 Released

This is the first release with the new name "MP3Info".

Posted by NaiL 2003-04-22