

Many people have used Michael Mutschler's mp3 extension for the Windows explorer. Being 32bit this didn't work anymore for x64-Windows variants. As Michael Mutschler was kind enough to release the source code I decided to create a 64bit version of the dll.

The icon handler and the tool tips work. The column handler however cannot work anymore (at least on Windows 7) as Microsoft removed this functionality. But the explorer offers now many more columns, including the main ID3 fields. So this feature is not that important anymore.

Some people have reported problems (no icons, no tool tips) with certain players being the default program for mp3 files (e.g. Winamp). If you install the player software after mp3ext and the default program for mp3 gets changed you need to register mp3ext.dll again:

  • open a command line with admin rights
  • regsvr32 mp3ext.dll

The original page is here: