
PidginSnarl 0.2.1 with GMail-new-mail-notifcations

If you are searching for a nice system wide software to display notifications for Windows (like Growl for Mac) you will find Snarl (

PidginSnarl displays notifications using Snarl (has to be installed of course) for the well known chat client Pidgin. Notifications are shown until now for buddys logging and off as well as all incoming IM-messages (can be configured by user) and (starting with 0.2.1) for new mails in your GMail-Inbox.

Also available in this project is a Snarl-extension for Thunderbird called Thundersnarl for notifications about new mails and an extension for Firefox to be notified about downloads.

Posted by Sven Walther 2008-03-12

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