
Movable Python / News: Recent posts

Version 1.0.0 Imminent

There is a new release of Movable Python nearly ready (under a new license). Only Windows 98 testing and the documentation to complete. Watch the Voidspace Techie Blog for news:

Posted by Mike Foord 2005-12-28

Mailing List

There is a new Movable Mailing list :

Use this for feature requests, support, bug reports, questions and suggestions.

Posted by Mike Foord 2005-12-28

New Release Anyone ?

There hasn't been a huge amount of progress since the last release in February. The GUI seems stuck at 'nearly ready'. My latest preference would be to start from scrathc using Wax as the GUI toolkit :-) There is new code available for including packages, which makes better use of the py2exe package including facilities.

This wouldn't afect the final distributions - but making building distributions a bit more efficient.... read more

Posted by Mike Foord 2005-04-14

Version 0.4.5 and News on 0.5.0

Version 0.4.5

Version 0.4.5 is now available, hurrah. This is a bugifx/update release. The distributions it produces are very *similar* to version 0.4.4 distributions, but there are a couple of issues resolved. See for details.

*Most* of the changes relate to the in the 'source' package. This is the code that creates the frozen distributions. There have been several simplifications and improvements. Again, see the CHANGELOG for details.... read more

Posted by Mike Foord 2005-01-27

Version 0.5.0 Coming

Bruno Thoorens is working on a GUI for This will be the major change for version 0.5 and will allow graphical selection of packages to include/exclude.

By the way there isa minor issue with version 0.4.4 source, which only seems to affect Python 2.2. It can be resolved adding the following lines in 'files/' . They need to go immediately before the try:... except: block wrapping the 'compile' statement :... read more

Posted by Mike Foord 2005-01-06

Version 0.4.4 Available

Ok - version 0.4.4 of Movable Python is now available. Both a source distribution and prebuilt environments for python 2.4.

Posted by Mike Foord 2005-01-05

Pre-release Available

Preliminary docs are now online at the homepage :

You can download the distribution maker from :

That version is the 0.4.3 version... but with incomplete docs. As soon as the docs are complete I'll do a sourceforge release, including some prebuilt environments.

Posted by Mike Foord 2004-12-31