
Motif Widgets in Motion / News: Recent posts

Movingmotif new Widget

A new widget is added to movingmotif.

It is a plotting widget, which takes and plot a scan of x/y datapairs together with a time-like stamp. Each time a new scan is plotted, the elder plots is moved into the past, i.e. the depth of the screen. The result is a 3D-history of spectrum like plots.

In addition, a marker may be set (and changed) to mark a specific x-value (the maximum?)
Annotation may be enabled and is handled inside the Widget, as well as a short description text.... read more

Posted by Juergen Keidel 2003-12-27

Widget added (release 2.2.0)

Release 2.2.0
A new widget is added: XwRotLabel
This is in prinziple a label widget, but allows to rotate it around beginning of text, center of text or end of text for any number of degrees.
To set rotation or other changes, use the convienace function "XwSetRotValues" instead of "XtSetValues" to set some additional arguments. The Widget is autosizing (and autopositioning), so take a look at the Docu.... read more

Posted by Juergen Keidel 2002-09-27