
MV based CMS / News: Recent posts

Beyond U2

Several people have raised the question "Can we make this an 'any mv' project instead of a U2 project?"

In order to answer everyone properly, here's how this plays out to my mind:

Parts of the project will be applicable. I agree that the goal of being generally mv is worthy. Given that it's open source, the pieces will be there for porting key parts of it to OpenInsight, OpenQM, jBASE, Reality, D3, etc. ... read more

Posted by CharlesBarouch 2005-11-13

mvCMS Project Start

Announcing the U2UG Open Source mvCMS project.

The U2UG will be starting an open source project to develop a new content management system which uses U2 technology. We are actively soliciting help to develop the software. A draft approach has been developed and we are looking for people to help refine the initial design before any coding begins.

The goal is to create a project that demonstrates the flexibility of U2 tools and databases. Doing this as an Open Source project, the code will be available freely to anyone. We will release it using an MPL or similar license, allowing both Open Source and Commercial versions to become available.... read more

Posted by CharlesBarouch 2005-11-13