
moto4lin for SLVR L71 (L7e/L7i)

  • Derek

    Derek - 2007-03-02

    i'm trying to run moto4lin for the latest generation SLVR phone and have problems.  i put in the proper /dev/cu.usbmodem4B411 string as suggested by many "web directions" and when all is said and done, "update list" pane does recognize my phone, yet, i get errors on the main screen:

    [info] AT phone found
    [info] Switching device cu.usbmodem4B411 to P2K mode...
    [error] Unable to open device
    [error] Please check preferences
    [error] Unable to connect

    can someone help out this newbie?  am i right in assuming that i need to wait for an updated version of moto4lin to support this new phone (released ~Nov 2006)?

    • Derek

      Derek - 2007-03-02

      ps. this is using the latest moto4lin for Mac OS X:

    • alligator_serj

      alligator_serj - 2007-05-27

      I had simular problems maybe you have done but make sure that you have it in AT Mode.
      I had the same problems with L7, just check it =)
      Hope it helps =)


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