
wy core.cfg, not core.ini or registry

  • Thomas Hirsch

    Thomas Hirsch - 2007-11-11


    is there a reason why you dont use ini-file for MoonAV-config?
    core.cfg seems to follow ini-file-syntax, but without having a (or some) [Section] header(s).
    This will prevent some sofware deployment, configuration and management systems to cope easyly with MoonAV configuration.

    In addition attempts to map this cfg/ini file to registry may fail, if you don't use ini-file handling API (did you?)

    And last but not least: If you don't put config in registry, config may not protectable and/or enforced through (group-)policies... =;-(

    Any enlightment for me, why config is put in core.cfg rather than in registry?

    Best regards

    • TheSun

      TheSun - 2007-11-15


      It is not using INI API, there is a mechanism that generate source code from cfg file :)

      Oops, I am thinking what encoding algorithm is good if anyone can see how it works using
      SF CVS system :)

      let me know



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