
Monster X / News: Recent posts

Fixes, improvements, and adds

Fixed problems with program ending not disposing all objects properly.

Improved performance of text rendering.

Added line drawing commands. Added more text drawing commands. Added Graphics properties.

Posted by Bill Schuler 2008-06-23


Just re-iterating this information everywhere so no one misses it.

Some parts of DirectX require the loaderlock exceptions to be turned off. Turn it off under the menu->debug->Exceptions, Loader lock, uncheck thrown box.

Posted by Bill Schuler 2008-06-08

Performance Improved in 8D release

Vertices are now mostly precalculated for a performance increase. A cleanup code has been er uhm cleaned up.

Posted by Bill Schuler 2008-06-08

Text Commands Added

Release 8C now has the ability to render text. See CreateFont and DrawText commands in the Wiki.

Posted by Bill Schuler 2008-06-07

Monster Wiki Updated

The Monster Wiki has been updated to document use of graphics, sounds, and SAML commands. Feel free to discuss any proposed changes to Monster X on those WIKI pages.

Posted by Bill Schuler 2008-06-06

Monster API / Monster X, 8th Release with demo

Completely redone with working animation, movement,sound,music and input. Compiled with VBEXpress 8.

Posted by Bill Schuler 2008-05-31

Monster API Release 5 completed

Sorry about the delay inbetween releases (I'd like to get a release out every day or two), but I hurt my back and have been bed ridden. In addition, I have been having other health problems, but do not have health coverage (American). Anways, with any luck, I can recover and continue this project and see it to completion.

DirectSound system has been completely reworked. Now has ability to play multiple wave files simultaneosly.... read more

Posted by Bill Schuler 2004-07-21

Monster API 4th Release available

A Monster API like no Monster API before it! Now complete with some sound commands. Get it and party like its 2004, wait it is 2004. Ok, Party like its not 2004!!!

Posted by Bill Schuler 2004-07-14

Monster API 3rd Release now available

Gone from this release is the command InKey, which I might add didn't work in last release. This command has been replaced by KeyState (Which returns 0 or 1 depending on if the key in question is down) and KeyClicked (Which returns the number of times a key has been pressed and released since the last time you checked that key).

In keeping with the logical names of the commands KeyState and KeyClicked, the mouse has similar commands for checking its buttons. MouseState(ButtonNumber) and MouseClicked(ButtonNumber) that work much like KeyState and KeyClicked except they are used to check the status of the mouse buttons. The mouse read/write properties of MouseX, MouseY, and MouseZ (scroll wheel) have been added as well.... read more

Posted by Bill Schuler 2004-07-12

First Release Available

I have just released the first preview of the Monster API. Included in this release under the MonsterLibrary\MonsterTest\Bin directory is a file MonsterTest.exe which shows the first test of the MonsterAPI. Of course, the sources are included and can be opened by clicking the MonsterLibrary\MonsterLibrary.sln file, if you have Visual Studio .NET installed.

Commands Implemented To Date: Graphics(), Cls(), LoadImage(), DrawImage(), Flip(), DoEvents(), MillisecondsPassed(), ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageFrames... read more

Posted by Bill Schuler 2004-07-10