
#658 mac display locked

Mac display (1)

on my mac the MMEX window is locked to the top of the screen. if i then show the tool bar the top of this does not show as it's hidden under the mac program bar. also its locked to the right hand side of the screen so can't be resized or moved

1 Attachments


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-06-15

    is anyone looking at these ?

  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2015-06-16

    Try F11 (fool screen mode).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-06-25

    F11 on a Mac?

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2015-07-03

    A couple options to try after quitting MMEX:

    1. Find and delete the file mmexini.db3 (mine is located at ~/Library/Application Support/mmex. WARNING: this will delete all your preferences (but not financial data).

    2. A slightly more advanced option is open mmexini.db3 in some SQL editor (I use SQLite Manager, which is a Firefox extension). Find the settings for ORIGINX, ORIGINY, SIZEW and SIZEH and in the table SETTING_V1 set them to sensible values based on your screen size. You might try ORIGINX as 32, ORIGINY as 32, SIZEW as 500 and SIZEH as 700 - that should work for almost every computer.

    I've attached a screenshot of what mine looks like.

    Please post back if this is helpful or you have other questions.

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2015-07-03
    • status: open --> closed
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-24

    No 'mmex' in this location on my Mac : ~/Library/Application Support/


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