
#152 Repeating Transfers and Cash Flow Report

Reports (13)
Ryan Murri

I am really enjoying the great finance tool. I really like the encryption option. I don't know why but the program doesn't seem to process transfers scheduled on the Repeating Transactions page. I transfer money each month into a savings account so I use the repeating transactions page to schedule them, however when I do a cash flow report my scheduled transfers have no effect. My checking account maintains its original value through the entire year as does my savings account, I would expect my savings to reflect the monthly transfer and increase in value as well as my checking account decreasing in value. Thank you!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Although you have set up a repeating transaction you still have to manually enter the transaction on the repeating transaction screen. HTH

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2009-11-09

    I see this as a bug too. I can understand why transfers are not included in Cash Flow forecast for all accounts (as they will cancel out), but if you are looking at the cash flow for a specific account which has a recurring transfer, that should show up. The commenter on 2009-01-29, I think misunderstood the problem. I have attached a sample db illustrating this problem.

    In the db, there is a monthly transfer from $100 from Account Test to Account Test2. If I go to Cash Flow - Specific Account and choose Test2 I would expect to see the amount increasing by $100 each month.

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2009-11-09
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • labels: --> Reports
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2009-11-09
  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2011-06-12

    Sill an issue in 0.9.8

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2011-06-12
    • assigned_to: nobody --> stef145g
  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2012-01-14

    This has been fixed - Undergoing further testing before closing

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2012-01-14
    • assigned_to: stef145g --> guanlisheng
  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2012-04-23
    • status: open-accepted --> pending-fixed
  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2012-04-23

    I will assume a successful resolution to this report.

    This report will be closed if no further comments are recieved.

  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2013-03-20
    • assigned_to: guanlisheng --> Nikolay
    • milestone: --> 1.0_and_below
  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2013-03-20
    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2013-03-20
    • status: open-fixed --> open
  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2013-03-20

    If some transfer transaction added, for example on monthly basis, "to amount" will be shown in cash flow report specific account but monthly amount not increase. Still bug here.

  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2013-04-30
    • assigned_to: Nikolay --> guanlisheng
  • guanlisheng

    guanlisheng - 2013-11-19
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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