
Pentaho News: New Releases, Pentaho Solutions

Pentaho Community Connection

Pentaho Releases First Milestone Build of Pentaho Metadata

Pentaho has released the first milestone release of Pentaho Metadata(PMD)
including the new Metadata Editor(PME)!

Released under the Mozilla Public License (MPL), Pentaho's new open source
metadata capabilities enable administrators to define a layer of abstraction
to shield the common business user from the complexities of underlying
databases. Administrators leverage their deep understanding of source
systems to convert complex tables, relationships, indexes, and other
concepts foreign to a business user, into a user-friendly model reflecting
how they think of their business - in terms like customers, products and
markets. These "business views" can be further enriched by defining security
parameters that limit data access to authorized users, default formatting
for data fields, column suppression, and additional translations for
business views used in multi-lingual deployments.

Pentaho Metadata is built using the Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM)
standard created by the Object Management Group (OMG) to allow for
interoperability with existing metadata stores as well as third-party
databases, metadata repositories, and ETL tools. Pentaho's metadata-driven
query engine uses JDBC and ANSI standard SQL to allow for the broadest
possible choice of proprietary and open source databases including Oracle,
IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and others.

Download the first milestone release, documentation and source from .

Send us your feedback in our Metadata forum at .

Pentaho Introduces Web-based Ad Hoc Query and Reporting

We are pleased to announce new web-based ad hoc query and reporting
capabilities for the Pentaho Reporting module of Pentaho's BI suite. The new
functionality utilizes an innovative new open source metadata layer that
facilitates self-service query and reporting by shielding end users from the
complexities of underlying databases and thereby lowering the technical
barriers to customized report creation.

Pentaho now provides tailored reporting capabilities for application
developers, power users, and business users alike within a common
architecture and report format. Read more about it in the

press release
( ), or
preview the new web-based ad hoc query and reporting tool in a recorded demonstration at .

New Open Source Solution Available: Software Quality Reports For JIRA

We are happy to release another great solution into the open source business
intelligence (BI) arena: Software Quality Reports for JIRA! This is an
extension to the Software Quality Reports for Bugzilla solution.

Software Quality Reports for JIRA/Bugzilla (SQR) provides reports and analysis on top of the very popular
JIRA and Bugzilla issue tracking systems. Implemented as a "solution" built using the Pentaho BI Suite, it
provides an end to end solution for delivering valuable software quality information to product managers, project
managers, development managers, and software engineers.

Software Quality Reports includes:

• Extract Transform and Load (ETL) Mappings
• ETL Jobs
• Reporting Data Models (ie, Dimensional Models, staging tables, summary tables, aggregates)
• OLAP Schema Definitions
• Operational Reports
• Analytic Reports

Take a look at SQR for JIRA today at .

Post your comments and feedback in the project forums at .

About Pentaho

Thanks for your interest in the Pentaho project and helping us make Open Source Business Intelligence a reality and a great alternative to proprietary closed source vendors! Contact us with comments, suggestions, issues and praise.

For previous issues of this newsletter, visit the Pentaho Community Newsletter Archives at .

Pentaho Community Connection

Pentaho - The Open Source Business Intelligence Company
Direct +1 407-812-OPEN |

Posted by Gretchen Moran 2012-10-08

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