
Momo / News: Recent posts

Momo now knows email and calendar!

Momo has new features! First of all, team managers now get notified by email if a new request has been made. Once a request was approved or rejected, the requester of a time change gets an email as well.

Also, we've added a calendar feature! All approved requests are now shown in a calendar visible to all users. This way it becomes much easier to find out how many work at a time, plan a time change request, or approve/reject one based on space restrictions.

Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-10-11

Bugfixes and new features for Momo

We've fixed some bugs in Momo. Everything should work smoothly now! We also added some new functionality: specify if you took a lunch break and it will automatically be deducted on your timesheet. Download the new version 0.5.3.

Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-09-26

Momo v0.5.0 available now!

The first version of Momo is out and available now (get it here)! Momo is a simple time tracking web application. Its main functionality is that you can clock in when you start working and clock out when you're done. Momo keeps track of how much you've worked. You can see the times you've worked in a timesheet view and if you are a team manager you can also see the times of your whole team.... read more

Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-09-19