
Welcome to modScaleForm!

  • Markus Gruber

    Markus Gruber - 2008-01-31


    Please leave your comments about modScaleForm here in this forum - things you like about modScale, things you miss or want to be improved.

    This forum is open for anonymous posts.

    Best regards,

    Markus Gruber

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Helo  Markus
      in the
      - Access-Secrets [] -
      stands that the mdb would be in Access 2000 ... ect.
      but Access 2000 don't starts the modScaleForm.mdb

      Is there a solution?

    • Markus Gruber

      Markus Gruber - 2008-09-17

      Hi Gerd!

      .) Have you included the class module clFormWindow as mentioned in the very first part of the code?

      .) Does the code compile within Access 2000?

      Actually, personally I never tested with Access 2000 so I do not know how the newsletter service "Access-Secrets" can write that modScaleForm is compatible.

      In the very first part of the code, which acts as documentation, you can find the following line:

      ' Usable     : From Access 2002 (XP) and up, maybe from Access 2000 and up

      If it does not compile or run as expected on Access 2000 please let me know where it stops - I can maybe help you remotely as i do not have a copy of Access 2000 here.

      Best regards,



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