
Limiting user sessions sharing same IP

  • giorgio paolucci

    I'm trying to limit thunderbird clients with lightning calendar plugin that loop (on certain occasions) with continuous PROPFIND and OPTIONS method requests to my calendar server based on caldav protocol.
    URL pattern are like: https://myserver/groupware/rpc.php/calendar/(user_name)/calendars
    Unfortunately users (potentially 10.000) networks are behind NAT, so they share the same IP address.
    My userbase is large (10.000 users).
    Is there any chance to set a limiting rule based on a cookie whoose value is set with the username?

    I would be grateful for any clue/help you could provide....

    Thankyou in advance

    Best regards.

  • Pascal Buchbinder

    Hi Giorgio
    Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.

    No, there is no "session store" in mod_qos which could count events for individual users.
    mod_qos only features the "per IP store". It would be possible to use this store if we build an "IP like" (128bit, e.g. MD5) hash value for each user name but this would need an extension or a separate Apache module doing it.

    Regards, Pascal


    Last edit: Pascal Buchbinder 2015-06-24
  • giorgio paolucci

    Hi Pascal, thank for your quick feedback. Sad that your wonderful piece of software can't help me in such a situation..:(.
    With ISPs doing more and more NAT with PAT, limiting users doing nasty things is becoming harder and harder.....
    Thank you for your clue anyway.


  • giorgio paolucci

    Hello Pascal,
    sorry to bother you again, but your feeedback intrigued me and I'm not sure I have understood your clue....
    May be mod_rewrite with a rewrite map bound to an external program could calculate such a one way hash: user->fakeIPaddress? If that was true, enhancements on mod_qos should be required anyway?



  • Pascal Buchbinder


    • extract the user name from the URL
    • generate an md5 hash looking like an IPv6 address and set it as HTTP request header
    • let mod_qos read the client IP from this header
    • define the limitation you want, e.g. 10x within 30 seconds

    The configuration might look like this:

    RequestHeaderPlus        unset X-Hash
    SetEnvIfPlus             Request_URI ^/groupware/rpc.php/calendar/([\x20-\x2e\x30-\x7e]+)/calendars virtualip=$1
    SetHashHeaderPlus        X-Hash virtualip
    QS_ClientIpFromHeader    X-Hash
    QS_ClientEventLimitCount 10 30 virtualip

    Note: you have to install version 0.30 to mod_setenvifplus to configure this

    Regards, Pascal

  • giorgio paolucci

    Hi Pascal, I'm grateful for your help, I will try you propousal asap.
    Thank you for the time you dedicated to me.

  • giorgio paolucci

    Hi Pascal,
    just a post to thank you, and to give a feedback. My issue to apply your suggestion, was to stay in a linux distribution with standard packages to avoid compilation of non standard modules for each upgrade.
    So I installed an Ubuntu 14.04 with mod_qos_10.28 ad apache 2.4 which I used as a reverse proxy for my web servers. On My webservers I used a rewrite rule bound to an external program to dynamically calculate a fake IPv4 for each username (a static map could have been used also with periodical updates) and set an http header containing tha fake IP address before sending the request to the ubuntu proxy.
    The mod_qos on ubuntu server gets the header and sets the rate limiting policy.
    All seems working.
    Thank you for all your help and time.



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