ac - 2011-11-03


I'm not very proficient in server configuration, but here goes.

I have a AD authorized computer (actually a Windows 2003 R2 Server, but it's not a domain controller) in which I have installed apache + some other stuff (below).

Apache/2.2.9 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color mod_auth_sspi/1.0.4 PHP/5.2.6

I have the mod_auth_sspi module installed and loading fine most of the time. SSO logins work really well in IE, firefox or even Google Chrome, being the latter the most used browser.

    <Files index.php>
        AuthName "Portal"
        AuthType SSPI
        SSPIAuth on
        SSPIOfferBasic on
        SSPIBasicPreferred off
        SSPIAuthoritative on 
        #SSPIOfferSSPI off
        #SSPIOmitDomain On
        require valid-user

The issue is that from time to time I have 401 errors on all computers. I guess this should be an issue with the AD server, that is not responding or something like that.

I've also read that the mod_auth_sspi module uses the WIndows machine cached login data, but if this is the case why should the logins fail with 401 errors?

The only solution I found when this happens is to remove the .htaccess file, which kills the initial purpose of it.

DOes anyone have any input on this?
