
MobileXPdf is making a comeback!

Hey everybody!

Sorry for the delays and everything... i had a *LOT* of work at the job these months, and the worst part, none of it in C++ (so I've been brainwashed with C#/vb .Net/ Delphi /etc :) )
Anyway... for the last 2 weeks i have been working on the promised version and well, it looks pretty good. the file open dialog is more reliable, there is a new option for setting the default zoom when opening a document, a few leaks - sorry about that :D - and some other minor fixes.
To those that are interested: The application works perfectly on WM5 (windows mobile 5) now and (Are you ready?) WM6 (windows mobile 6)

So, as a conclusion, TONIGHT we will have available the following stuff:
*build for Windows 2003 SE(cab)
*build for WM5(cab)
*build for WM6(cab)
*Sources committed to CVS
*Project sources available for download (archive)

Cheers, and help me spread the word to the world!

Posted by Ciochina Gabriel 2008-03-12

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