
#112 Audio Sync Only Option?


I love ML_iPod, but quite honestly, I think that iTunes handles video transfer better than ML_iPod (also suports metadata altering*). Having said that, when I go to sync my iPod in ML_iPod, it wants to remove all my videos because I don't have them in Winamp and I have the option checked where any non-ML item is removed from the device.

Would it be possible to have an option to only sync specific types of media, such as video/audio/photos only?

*This may be part of why the [M] comment tags don't work anymore. The new iTunes uses a special tag/atom called "stik" to differentiate between different types of video. This is accessible through iTunes' "Get Info" item off the context menu, in a combobox. So they are sorted in iTunes by this tag, and not by the comments. They are also added to the iPod based on this tag, so if you don't go into iTunes and change this, it will appear in "Movies" by default. MP3Tag does not support this.


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