
#14 wont close if cant write .ini --again



This is the same (closed) bug as reported here:

Under Windows 7, apparently it tries to write settings in an ini file in the same directory as the exe resides, and --obviously-- the OS win't let it.

I don't know what sort of settings it is trying to write, but it doesn't seem to be important as the app runs just fine next time.

But, it sure is annoying to get that message every time you're closing the app.

In any case, the bug is certainly there, not closed.


  • adem0x

    adem0x - 2011-10-04

    Well.. to save the developer some hassle, I downloaded the latest sources and made the changes I thought were necessary.

    First thing, I got rid of this .ini business.

    Now, everything is written to Registry.

    Secondly, I got rid of the requirement that MKVExtractGUI2 has to be placed in the same folder as MkvToolnix. Now, you can place MKVExtractGUI2 anywhere you like. It will either automatically find where MkxToolnix is (if it is installed using its installer) or you will have to locate it once (using a file dialog) and that path will be stored in the registry. You will not have to hunt for Toolnix folder again.

    I also did do a few more small improvements to the GUI.

    Please see the attached file --it contains both a compiled exe and the modified sources.

    Hope it helps someone.

  • WeirDave

    WeirDave - 2018-04-19

    Still an open ticket for the latest version


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