
Arjan van Lent

mkOS wallpaper

mkOS (make Operating System) is a Linux operating system designed to modify and build other Linux operating systems. It's goal is to provide a system that suits the needs of Linux experts but also brings novices a nice collection of graphical tools that can be used to easily customize existing Linux distributions. This way it is easy for everyone to customize a live/installation-CD or make a custom distro from scratch.

Since I didn't really put any great effort in mkOS 1.0 and it still got quite popular with about 1500 downloads in the past year I decided to start working on 2.0.

I promised a 64bit version so 2.0 will be 64bit. I also switched from Ubuntu to Debian Squeeze for the base system and used LXDE as the desktop. Since the users seemed to like 1.0 and did not give a lot of comment or additions I just did what I did with 1.0 and as asked I am making it 64 bit and will add more documentation etc. As 1.0 was just a system I needed for a short while and therefor shared so others could enjoy it 2.0 will be a little more like a real distribution.

Release date:

I would like to test the mkOS tools for a little longer and add more links and config-hacks so have a little patience. There is no official release-date selected (and I don't believe there will ever be one) so please check back here or subscribe to This Forum Thread

Release Info:


Home: Documentation
Home: Packages
Tickets: Changes