
Mark Gaipa
There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

Welcome to the MJP Lab Repository on Sourceforge. This is a site where the Modernist Journals Project is making available to the public a sampling of the catalogue and text transcript files for the journals it has digitized. The site is also linked to a new website—The MJP Lab—where we are posting visualizations of MJP data and experimenting with datasets drawn from our files. The MJP Lab and the Repository on Sourceforge will ultimately supplement the MJP search pages. The files that we are currently making available on this site come from six journals:

On the Downloads page, you'll find a folder for each the journals above that contains the following five items:

  • a zipped folder containing all of the MODS files for the journal. These are xml files that contain, issue by issue, the catalogue information that the MJP staff has composed about the contents of the magazine; the MOD files provide the basis for metadata searching on the MJP website.
  • a zipped folder containing all of TEI text transcripts for the journal. These are xml files that contain the OCRed text transcripts (which we've only slightly marked up in TEI) of individual issues of the journal; the TEI files provide the basis for full-text searching on the MJP website.
  • three .txt datasets that we've derived from the MODS files for the journal. These datasets offer very accessible, simple-text versions of the MJP's catalogue information. For more information about them, click here.