
run ApplyAnnotator as daemon

  • zhjchen

    zhjchen - 2011-02-09

    I get classifier after running TrainClassifier.
    Later, I use these trained classifier to label documents use the following command:
    java –Xmx500M edu.cmu.minorthird.ui.ApplyAnnotator -labels {document directory}  -loadFrom {trained classifier}

    I am wondering whether I can run ApplyAnnotator as daemon or service. That said, When new document comes, I can label it without rerunning the above command.

  • Frank Lin

    Frank Lin - 2011-02-09

    Hi zhjchen,

    Minorthird is open source for this reason - that you can use all the APIs and modify it to your needs, so you can definitely use it for a service. ApplyAnnotator, however, is a gui/commandline tool, so you should use the API in the text package for your Tomcat (or whatever) service.

    To see examples of using the API, please see the files in demo/ subdirectory in the source code.


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