
multiple tokens in dictionary

  • Veronica joh

    Veronica joh - 2011-03-31


    Is it possible to have multiples tokens in dictionary?
    I'm trying to add "Jr." in the dictionary for mixup, but it returns error "Use a Trie to match against sequences of tokens".

    I know spantype can be defined like this from previous post -

    defSpanType dphrases =~ trie bad disease, worse disease;

    but this does not work for defDict.  I've tried..

    defDict suffixList =~ trie Jr.;

    but I get statement error.

    Please help!  Thank you!

  • Frank Lin

    Frank Lin - 2011-04-01

    You can use the trie like a dictionary; just put all your phrases/words in a file, one entry per line. And in your Mixup file something like:

    defSpanType indict =~ trie "dictionary.txt";

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