
Import again! File not processed?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I just tried to import a Pauker set to Minipauker. First problem: the file extension for the Pauker lection was .xml.gz, Minipauker expected .pau.gz. Solved that, now I can select the lection and select "import". A bar and the text "processing" appears - but after finishing nothing happened, no words were imported.
    .pau.gz contains the gzipped xml file pauker creates, right? What else could I check? The xml file of the lection is a simple one - freshly created and unused, no markers set.

    I'm using release 0.28b. My mobile doesn't show up errors.

    Thanks in advance,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Might it be that new Pauker versions create a format that is not supported by minipauker? I'll check it later...

      • Markus Brosch

        Markus Brosch - 2008-02-27

        MiniPauker expects .pau or .pau.gz files created by Pauker version 1.7 or later. If the files are .xml.gz, it is an indication that an old version of Pauker was used. To get that going, open that .xml.gz file in the latest version of Pauker and save it as the new file format.

        Hope that helps,
        best regards,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Does not seem to be the case...ideas please?!


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