
Samsung J600

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I just thought that I'd let you know that MiniPauker seems to work just fine on the Samsung J600. I have not used it extensively yet, but the following went without problem: installation, test import from Pauker file, add new cards, learning, saving and open default lesson.

    The Samsung J600 does not seem to have fonts to support anything other than the Latin and Greek alphabets (Chinese, Japanese, Korean do not show up). I'll start using MiniPauker more seriously and might report back again. Thanks for the application!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well, I have used MiniPauker a bit more now. In addition to the above (installation, import from Pauker.pau.gz, add cards, learning, saving and opening default session), I have successfully done the following:

      - export lessons
      - import exported lessons in Pauker (desktop)
      - import exported lessons in MiniPauker
      - append from Pauker lessons
      - delete sessions, use sessions with different names (i.e. not default)
      - use multiple sessions at the same time
      - used the memory card to save files (instead of the built-in memory)
      - import Pauker lessons with multiple lines on each card

      Contrary to some other reports here, I had no problems using the central knob to select files. MiniPauker seems to work.

      Sometimes when saving a session, MiniPauker seems to take ages (as in up to 3 minutes). Opening sessions is much faster, and exporting sessions seems much faster.

      Since MiniPauker works on this phone with a rather small screen (128 x 160), you could improve the user experience by using a less fancy interface (currently the main screen and statistics involve scrolling). Perhaps it is possible to have different interfaces depending on the actual screen size detected?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm mostly using the desktop version (Pauker), so feedback is a bit slow :) I notice that import from a Pauker lesson (whether zipped or not) is much quicker than opening a session... I'll try to figure out more.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Maybe there is something about accessing preferences? Changing the preferences (times of revisions) and the saving takes a long time (maybe 20 seconds), irrespective of the lesson size.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      And one more: I have just reinstalled MiniPauker, and sessions load more quickly... perhaps something has gone wrong with the Java rather than MiniPauker. BTW, I like your uninstall message ;)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Version 0.30 does not seem to install on this phone.

    • Jakub Holý

      Jakub Holý - 2009-07-09

      Hi Nobody/Anonymous, could you please provide more details and/or open a bug report?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Version 0.30 is just too big for this cheap phone…

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Strange, I have the same phone, and 0.30 works fine. I cannot download the debug version, though, that's too big (I think the limit for applications is somewhere around 250k, but 0.30 with 100k works fine).


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