
mini-Pub / News: Recent posts

mini-pub is down

Unffortunately I won't support anymore mini-pub.

mini-pub is now out-of bussines. I'd like to release this space to somebody else who could need, but I can't. insists in keeping my released work to the comunity, for it's ok, I've done it to the comunity and you all can feel free to use my code (acording to the terms of GPL)

Thanks for your support

Posted by Robert Miles 2003-04-30

Starting mini-news.php

mini-news is a mini-pub front-end for News Publishing. It's not a slash-type news, but simply a news publishing tool.
Featureas not already defined, but you can take a look at CVS.
Feel free to download and contribute.

Posted by Robert Miles 2003-03-13

mini-pub.php v0.3 released

Now avaiable to download mini-pub.php v0.3, feel free to download, use as your will, and modify acording to GNU GPL.

New features includes:

* New file organization (.pub - .data - .layout), completely separating data from layout (an old users' request)
* No XML editing, everything is done by a front end distributed attached to a single tarball.
* New data-template association functions at class miniPub.
* Faster parsing code

Posted by Robert Miles 2003-03-08