
#413 "ERROR res" preventing me to install mingw-w64

v1.0 (example)

I got a "ERROR res" error and can't install mingw-w64 using mingw-w64-install.exe


  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-07-15


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-15

    Windows 7 64-bits

  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-07-16

    This error occurs after the installer downloaded the archive, when it try to unpack archive?
    Also, please show the screenshot of the installer with selected values​​ in comboboxes.


    Last edit: niXman 2014-07-16
  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-07-16

    This error always occurs?


    Last edit: niXman 2014-07-16
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-16

    Yes this error always occurs.

  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-07-16

    Please try to download the installer again. Maybe the .exe is corrupted.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-16

    I still have the problem.

    md5sum mingw-w64-install.exe
    8d148a84d7535254eff4506132085b79 *mingw-w64-install.exe

    • niXman

      niXman - 2014-07-17





      Last edit: niXman 2014-07-17
  • Mike Dinsdale

    Mike Dinsdale - 2014-08-16

    I've also just run into this exact error on Win7 64bit and in my case it went away when I disabled my anti-virus (AVG Free).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-18

    I've also just run into this exact error on Win7 64bit and in my case it went away when I disabled my anti-virus (AVG Free).

    The problem was also in my case caused by the anti-virus (AVG 2013 (not free)). Thanks Mike.

    Sorry for the noise niXman, I should have tested without the anti-virus first. Thanks for the support.

  • JeriX

    JeriX - 2014-10-03

    I have exact the same problem too. I'm using Avast Free and I've uninstalled it just for some time to see if it solve the problem, but it didn't.
    Windows 7 64-bit, last automatic updates, no anti-virus or firewall software.

    // for now using manual download-unpacking

    • niXman

      niXman - 2014-10-03

      I have the solution locally, but I need to buy the installer upgrade from CreateInstall[1] (is a producer of the installer) so I able to upload the fix in the public domain. I think that I can do this during this month.
      Sorry for the disadvantages...



      Last edit: niXman 2014-10-03
  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-10-03
    • assigned_to: niXman
    • Priority: 5 --> 1
  • lobbecon

    lobbecon - 2014-10-18

    Sorry to opening an old thread but I have the same problem. trying to install i686-4.9.1-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev1.7z and it fails exactly the same as described. I am using Win7 64bit and have northon internet security. I heard some have problems with antivirus so I disabled temporarily norton but the problem persists.

    On the other hand, I have downloaded the i686-4.9.1-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev1.7z how can I install it. If I just unzip Eclipse does not recognise the toolchain.

    I would really appreciate some help.

  • Adam Sikora

    Adam Sikora - 2014-10-19

    Have the same problem with installing mingw64

    I´m using win8.1 64bit, disabling my AVG free antivirus didn´t help.

    I tried simply unzipping the file posted above but the toolchain doesn´t get recoginzed that way.

    Would really appreciate the fix.

  • Cody

    Cody - 2014-10-22

    Downloaded mingw64 more then 10 times and still run into the exact same problem. No Anti-virus or other secrity software activated, Win 8.1 pro, administrator account.

    MD5: 8D148A84D7535254EFF4506132085B79
    SHA-1: D639CEC887383C6444D335B5896B08AB7A55016D

  • Nathan Stoddard

    Nathan Stoddard - 2014-10-22

    I'm having the same problem. Windows 7 professional, no antivirus enabled.

  • Colin LeMahieu

    Colin LeMahieu - 2014-10-23

    I'm having this issue as well. Win 7 x64.

    The installer says "Decompressing file... i686-4.9.1-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev1.7z"

    I looked in the temp folder for this file and found "\AppData\Local\Temp\gentee12\i686-4.9.1-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev1.7z" But this file is 20k and looks like a manifest rather than a .7z file the contents:
    "4.8.1|i686 |posix|dwarf|rev2 |
    4.8.1|i686 |posix|sjlj |rev2 |" etc.

    There is a file next to it that looks like a .7z file called "down.txt" which is 47mb. Perhaps this is the problem?

  • bob

    bob - 2014-10-26

    Hi guys, I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and I've also run into this problem.
    Turning off Avira doesn't work, and at one point I uninstalled Avira and tried to extract the files yet in all cases, Error Res still pops up. Anyone else find a solution?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-27

    I'm not sure if I'm having the same problem. This time I have "The file has been downloaded incorrectly!".

    8d148a84d7535254eff4506132085b79 *mingw-w64-install.exe

  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-10-29

    Please wait until this bug will be fixed, or please download the builds directly.

    Direct links can be found here:

  • niXman

    niXman - 2014-10-30
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • mme

    mme - 2014-11-04

    I'm still having this issue when trying to install gcc 4.8.3 or higher versions. 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 work for me.

    OS: Windows 8.1 x64

    • niXman

      niXman - 2014-11-04

      Please show the MD5 of the mingw-w64-install.exe

      • mme

        mme - 2014-11-05

        It's the same that is noted on the website, c33aec60739c44f208f171a74235b742.

        • niXman

          niXman - 2014-11-05

          Please show the screenshot with error.

          • Yu Tian

            Yu Tian - 2014-11-10

            same error here
            windows 7 64bit

            • niXman

              niXman - 2014-11-10

              Please update the installer.

  • Yu Tian

    Yu Tian - 2014-11-10

    "the download will start in 0 second" but nothing happened

  • Byt3

    Byt3 - 2014-11-11

    This is still a problem, just tested on 2 xp machines here.
    ERROR RES & as soon as download process starts.

    • niXman

      niXman - 2014-11-11

      Please update the installer and show the MD5 of installer executable.

  • Thomas Mack

    Thomas Mack - 2014-11-17

    Same issue ("ERROR res") here as well.

    Looking into the temp directory, I find a file i686-4.9.2-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev0.7z, which is indeed a html file stating a "404 Not Found" error.

    So it seems, the installer likes to download something via http using a wrong address.

    (Can one find out, what it likes to download?)

    This is on a VirtualBox Windows 8.1 Pro 64Bit machine.

    (Bug should be reopened?)

  • Thomas Mack

    Thomas Mack - 2014-11-17

    Changing architecture in the installer to x86_64 resolves the problem. So, the selections neither get checked if they create a valid configuration nor will a meaningful error message be generated.

    Installer should check the http response for 200 or similar.

  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2014-11-30

    I've just experienced the same problem. I get the "error res" message when I choose the i686 architecture. It seems to install fine when I choose x86_64.

  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-01

    BTW, this is the md5sum of the installer executable [1]:
    c33aec60739c44f208f171a74235b742 *mingw-w64-install.exe

    I don't understand how the status of this bug is "closed-fixed".

    -- footnotes --
    [1] The latest one, downloaded from the "Summary" tab in the page:

    • niXman

      niXman - 2014-12-03

      I don't understand how the status of this bug is "closed-fixed".

      Because before the fix this bug has been reproduced on my laptop using Wi-Fi, and when running the installer on Linux using Wine.
      In addition, after this fix, some users have reported to me that the problem is solved.

      • Dani Moncayo

        Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-04

        Some users, but not all. The last messages (from Thomas Mack and
        myself) indicate that the problem does not seem to be completely

        • mme

          mme - 2014-12-04

          It seems to be fixed for older versions (4.8.2 iirc). But for newer ones, the download URL is incorrect. I would say that this bug is not fixed for every version/target combination.

          • Dani Moncayo

            Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-04

            Yes, as I said before, I got the problem when I chose the i686 architecture. I've tried to reproduce this bug again, but this time I've hit bug #410 (Cannot download repository.txt [0]), which, like this bug, has a "closed-fixed" Status, when it's clear that these bugs are not fixed for all of us. :(

      • Dani Moncayo

        Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-04

        I don't understand how the status of this bug is "closed-fixed".

        Because before the fix this bug has been reproduced on my laptop using Wi-Fi, and when running the installer on Linux using Wine.
        In addition, after this fix, some users have reported to me that the problem is solved.

        Some users, but not all. The last messages (from Thomas Mack and
        myself) indicate that the problem does not seem to be completely

        Dani Moncayo

        • niXman

          niXman - 2014-12-04

          Because now I can't reproduce this bug, I need someone who will be able to run the test builds of the installer and let me know the result. Can you help me with this?

          • Dani Moncayo

            Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-04

            Sure. What should I do?

            • Dani Moncayo

              Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-04

              I mean, where's the installer I should try?

            • niXman

              niXman - 2014-12-04

              Firstly, ping me to i.nixman{dog} I think it's a bad idea maintain correspondence here in the ticket. Besides, I need to provide you the test builds of the installer.

  • Tobi Delbruck

    Tobi Delbruck - 2014-12-04

    I just experienced the same installer error on win 7 x64.
    Where is the installer log file stored?
    I can upload it if that would help.
    Thanks for the quick responses.

  • mme

    mme - 2014-12-08

    I tested the latest version of the installer. The issue with wrong download URLs seems to be fixed.


  • Dani Moncayo

    Dani Moncayo - 2014-12-08

    I cannot reproduce this bug anymore with the latest installer. Thank you.

  • Arulraja Livingston

    I am getting cannot download repository.txt(0) error. Any idea what's going on?

  • Karol Zmijewski

    Karol Zmijewski - 2015-08-07

    I have the same issue

  • DanAaronGoldman

    DanAaronGoldman - 2015-10-23

    I am getting same "ERROR res" message. I did a lot of testing. Sorry, I already tried posting several times, and lost the message when it asked me to log in again. Anyway, this problem is not fixed. I did download the 7z file as suggested by Tobi. I hope that works OK. But it seems pretty pitiful. I'm sure this can be replicated on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.

  • Cliff Wallach

    Cliff Wallach - 2018-06-25

    Last edit: Cliff Wallach 2018-06-25
  • Adriano da Silva Rocha

    Hi, I'm having the same problem. "The file has been downloaded incorrectly!".


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